Peter hopped through the woods.
A path led to the farmer's gate.
Peter squeezed under the gate and looked around.
"I see green leaves everywhere!" said Peter.
Peter wandered through the garden.
He ate some lettuce.He ate some green beans.He ate some radishes.
"These vegetables are delicious !"said Peter.
"I'll eat some more."
Then he hopped around a corner.
Peter gasped."The farmer!"
The farmer gasped."A rabbit!"
Peter ran.
The farmer grabbed his rake.
He chased Peter.
"Stop, thief !"cried the farmer.
He swung his rake at Peter.
Peter ran as fast as he could.
His heart beat fast.
He lost one shoe near the cabbages.
He lost his other shoe near the potatoes.
"Where's the gate?" cried Peter.
He looked around.
Suddenly he ran into a net.
The big buttons on his jacket got caught.
"Ahh!" cried Peter.
He kicked and twisted.
But it was no help.
"I'm stuck in the farmer's net !"cried Peter.