

作者: 狼泊弯WOIF | 来源:发表于2020-03-29 10:03 被阅读0次

    【 周小冬 ZHOU XIAODONG】


    Zhou xiaodong, a worker, a social person, a musician, a multi-industry professional manager, a businessman, and a filmmaker, has experienced multiple life experiences, which has made his thoughts more mature and his understanding more profound. Especially at present, as a pioneer film producer, zhou xiaodong has independent thinking and forward-looking prediction on the development of Chinese films!












    Mankind will either go backward or perish!

    The new coronavirus outbreak, which began in late 2019, has brought China to a virtual standstill, and the world has been on the brink of disaster recently. But anyway, many people are looking forward to it. Yes, the fruits of increasing human civilization will not make this plague as deadly as the black death in the middle ages of Europe and the plague in modern times, but this time the alarm has sounded, the signal of human civilization optimization and recurrence has begun to count down!

    From 3.8 billion years ago in single cell into fish ashore on took 3.5 billion years, from crawling to walking upright and spent more than 200 million years, and from the bare feet to wear shoes to spend more than 200 in ten thousand, shoes go sit carriage and took 8000 years, to fly to walk again for 2000 years, nearly 200 years development is rapid, immediately can live forever, just!

    Most of the achievements of modern civilization are brought by the western civilization with the rational civilization of Greece as the gene. Greece because it land to industrial and commercial exchange of food, and ring the Mediterranean open field of vision has produced his adventure, conquering nature genes, rational civilization, in turn, affects the entire Europe pursue scientific, the transformation nature, and through the revolution of science and technology to achieve the three times the human vision of paradise life in 5000, has now moved on to the fourth technological revolution, to enjoy the world eternal life. The first scientific revolution, beginning in 1760, took only 80 years to produce, and nearly two decades of economic stagnation began to stir up human strife. From the second scientific and technological revolution in 1860 to enjoy another 60 years and directly led to nearly 30 years of turmoil, two world wars, a worldwide great depression; The third technological revolution, which began in 1960, enjoyed another 40 years. After the dotcom bubble burst in 2000, it was all about printing money to create bubble wealth and overspending to sustain the fourth. In recent years, the dark tide has been raging, and the nuclear war in the Ming world dare not be fought, but it is not peaceful. Not to mention the fourth scientific and technological revolution in the end let human beings to how high, just see the above I said from the origin of life to the development of the present is not in the accelerating speed of optimization and evolution, I do not know to the fifth sixth human will enjoy the new evolutionary results day by day, but I do not know the earth to give human time.

    In the 260 years between the first scientific revolution and today, we have raised the average temperature of the earth by nearly one degree. If humans raise the earth's temperature by another two degrees, the flammable ice under the Siberian tundra and the shallow arctic seas, called methane, will be released into the atmosphere as a gas. Methane is 20 to 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide, and the climate will be irreversible. At the current pace of civilization, this will happen within 30 years. In addition, 60% of soil and 90% of the fresh water is polluted, because a new scientific and technological achievements optimization results of another will only lead to greater disasters, such as new energy vehicles instead of gasoline cars now, but I don't know a section 1 battery can lose 1 square meters of land utilization value and pollution issue for 30 years, and the groundwater pollution in a flat km. And nuclear power plants, the potential for damage is unimaginable. At the same time, species are disappearing at a rate of about 50,000 per year and so on. A hundred years is too long, seize the day! The human nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages and short - term sometimes selective numbness!

    The famous British historian Toynbee said that the hope of mankind lies in the east! He devoted himself to studying and thinking about the evolution of the entire human civilization, and believed that only the eastern world view of "harmony between man and nature" and "Taoism and nature" could neutralize the radical nature of the transformation and conquest of western civilization, and enable human beings to comply with the law of extinction of species on earth with relative ease. The two civilizations in the east and the west complement each other and merge in succession, just like China's diagram of taiji. Due to the differences in physical geography and phenological conditions, the closed agricultural civilization of China and the open industrial and commercial civilization of the west have genetically created a perfect perceptual and rational civilization. And the other, accept dead reason, futze head, only recognize the rule and the rule, only recognize the result, on the hand is slow, so don't like nature benefit less. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why the Chinese civilization has been in the leading position in the history of human civilization more than 200 years ago, whether it is economic or social governance, because it is a child who feels good and has a quick hand. After the middle ages, especially in the west after the Renaissance, RenSiLi child finally figured out rule, the lines, to promote the development of human science and technology revolution and progress soon, but feeling good children learn faster, but also flexible use, natural after a backward and catching up, therefore two civilizations will complement each other and the development of sequence optimization.

    But from the beginning of the opium war, China felt backward under attack, from the westernization of the westernization movement on the utensils of the westernization movement, "teacher yi long technique to control yi", and then from the reform movement of 1898 to carry out the westernization of the system, or feel no good, think must from the root of civilization thoroughly westernization, the may fourth new culture movement blew the horn! India's cultural circles of tagore was invited to China cultural exchange in 1924, during the height of the new culture movement, his early in the forward-looking vision foresaw the limitations of western civilization, destructive and short-sighted, thought that the whole of the eastern civilization and harmony will take to go bad, but have driven, fanatical westernized countries people by lu xun, Chen duxiu, Xu shield, such as the mainstream culture. Now it seems that in the past 100 years, the soul of the Chinese civilization temporarily out-of-body, people lack of faith and bad customs, but who do not know, the responsibility to save the earth on our civilization!

    Yes, the pursuit of a comfortable and beautiful life is the instinct of human beings, not to mention the easy transition from frugality to extravagance, and the difficult transition from extravagance to frugality. That western developed countries to give up the pursuit of a better life is really not easy, but not of oligonucleotides and suffer from inequality are human weaknesses, not let developing countries don't chase, and bring out western civilization of capitalism itself is a capital continuously drive technology to create new incremental wealth or will the economic crisis and turmoil in the development of such a one-way pattern, like a bloodthirsty monsters, don't drink blood will die, so we is willing to do second-class citizens in developing countries, to enjoy their obsolete material civilization, such as cars, air conditioners, refrigerators, etc., also will not delay the setting of the process of ecological destruction, Let the developing countries live as primitive people. Yes, some experts have said that in order for the human race to develop in this way, the population must be reduced to about one billion people. The British demographer Thomas malthus warned 200 years ago that population growth would cause irreconcilable contradictions. Now what about 7 billion people on the planet, or 6 billion people living a primitive life, or the destruction of natural or man-made disasters, which will obviously lead to greater disaster and instability.

    Therefore, it is time for the Chinese civilization to stand up, reshape the traditional cultural essence of "dao, fa, nature" and "the unity of nature and man", and then influence the world to carry on the new civilization development concept of circuitous harmony, and carry on the rational retrogression, which should be a great blessing for mankind! Maybe this outbreak is an opportunity!     



