Contest 131 - Prob 4 Video Stitc
人树杨 | 来源:发表于
2019-04-07 11:56 被阅读0次
- This problem can be solved by a greedy algorithm.
represents the number of steps; current
represents the farthest time we could reach with res
steps. In the while loop, go through all the clips and find all the clips which cross the time current
, because these clips can be used to extend current
- If
reaches T
, return the number of steps res
. If such clips do not exist, then current
cannot be extended any more, and we should return -1
class Solution:
def videoStitching(self, clips: List[List[int]], T: int) -> int:
res, current = 0, 0
while True:
current = max([j for i, j in clips if i <= current and j > current], default=0)
if current == 0: return -1
if current >= T: return res + 1
res += 1
本文标题:Contest 131 - Prob 4 Video Stitc