Option Explicit
' ***********************************************************************
' Purpose : Copy and paste products while keeping their absolute position.
' Assumptions : Products to copy/paste have to be selected.
' Author :
' Languages : VBScript
' Locales : English
' CATIA Level : V5R7
' ***********************************************************************
' ***********************************************************************
' Purpose: Define the product of two matrix.
' Inputs : matrix1 Array array corresponding to the first matrix
' matrix2 Array array corresponding to the second matrix
' Outputs: res Array array corresponding to the product
' ***********************************************************************
Sub MatrixProduct ( ByVal matrix1, ByVal matrix2, ByRef res )
Dim a(11)
Dim b(11)
Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 to 11
a(I) = matrix1(I)
b(I) = matrix2(I)
res( 0) = a(0)*b(0) + a(1)*b(3) + a(2)*b(6)
res( 3) = a(3)*b(0) + a(4)*b(3) + a(5)*b(6)
res( 6) = a(6)*b(0) + a(7)*b(3) + a(8)*b(6)
res( 1) = a(0)*b(1) + a(1)*b(4) + a(2)*b(7)
res( 4) = a(3)*b(1) + a(4)*b(4) + a(5)*b(7)
res( 7) = a(6)*b(1) + a(7)*b(4) + a(8)*b(7)
res( 2) = a(0)*b(2) + a(1)*b(5) + a(2)*b(8)
res( 5) = a(3)*b(2) + a(4)*b(5) + a(5)*b(8)
res( 8) = a(6)*b(2) + a(7)*b(5) + a(8)*b(8)
res( 9) = a( 9)*b(0) + a(10)*b(3) + a(11)*b(6) + b( 9)
res(10) = a( 9)*b(1) + a(10)*b(4) + a(11)*b(7) + b(10)
res(11) = a( 9)*b(2) + a(10)*b(5) + a(11)*b(8) + b(11)
End Sub
' ***********************************************************************
' Purpose: Define the inverse of a position matrix.
' Inputs : matrix Array array corresponding to the matrix
' Outputs: inverse Array array corresponding to the inverse of the matrix
' ***********************************************************************
Sub MatrixInverse ( ByVal matrix, ByRef inverse )
Dim a(11)
Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 to 11
a(I) = matrix(I)
inverse( 0) = a(4)*a(8) - a(7)*a(5)
inverse( 1) = a(2)*a(7) - a(8)*a(1)
inverse( 2) = a(1)*a(5) - a(4)*a(2)
inverse( 3) = a(5)*a(6) - a(8)*a(3)
inverse( 4) = a(0)*a(8) - a(6)*a(2)
inverse( 5) = a(2)*a(3) - a(5)*a(0)
inverse( 6) = a(3)*a(7) - a(6)*a(4)
inverse( 7) = a(1)*a(6) - a(7)*a(0)
inverse( 8) = a(0)*a(4) - a(1)*a(3)
inverse( 9) = -(a( 9)*inverse(0)+a(10)*inverse(3)+a(11)*inverse(6))
inverse(10) = -(a( 9)*inverse(1)+a(10)*inverse(4)+a(11)*inverse(7))
inverse(11) = -(a( 9)*inverse(2)+a(10)*inverse(5)+a(11)*inverse(8))
End Sub
' ***********************************************************************
' Purpose: Print the content of a matrix.
' Inputs : sName String name of the matrix
' matrix Array array corresponding to the matrix
' ***********************************************************************
Sub MatrixPrint ( ByVal sName, ByVal matrix )
Dim a(11)
Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 to 11
If ((matrix(I) < 0.001) AND (matrix(I) > -0.001)) Then
a(I) = 0.0
a(I) = matrix(I)
End If
Msgbox sName+" = "+_
Cstr(a( 0))+", "+Cstr(a( 1))+", "+Cstr(a( 2))+", "+Cstr(a( 3))+", "+Cstr(a( 4))+", "+Cstr(a( 5))+", "+_
Cstr(a( 6))+", "+Cstr(a( 7))+", "+Cstr(a( 8))+", "+Cstr(a( 9))+", "+Cstr(a(10))+", "+Cstr(a(11))
End Sub
' ***********************************************************************
' Purpose: Retrieve the absolute position of a product.
' Inputs : oProduct Product the product
' oRoot Product the root product
' Outputs: position Array array corresponding to position of the product
' ***********************************************************************
Sub GetAbsPosition ( ByRef oProduct, ByRef oRoot, ByRef position )
If (oProduct.Name = oRoot.Name) Then
position( 0) = 1.0
position( 1) = 0.0
position( 2) = 0.0
position( 3) = 0.0
position( 4) = 1.0
position( 5) = 0.0
position( 6) = 0.0
position( 7) = 0.0
position( 8) = 1.0
position( 9) = 0.0
position(10) = 0.0
position(11) = 0.0
Dim positionToFather(11)
Dim fatherAbsolutePosition(11)
oProduct.Position.GetComponents positionToFather
GetAbsPosition oProduct.Parent.Parent, oRoot, fatherAbsolutePosition
MatrixProduct positionToFather, fatherAbsolutePosition, position
End If
End Sub
' ***********************************************************************
' Purpose: Main.
' ***********************************************************************
Sub CATMain()
' Retrieve the Groups collection
Dim cGroups As AnyObject
Set cGroups = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product.GetTechnologicalObject("Groups")
' Create a group with selected products
Dim oGroup As Group
Set oGroup = cGroups.AddFromSel
If (oGroup.CountExplicit = 0) Then
Msgbox "No product selected"
' Acquire the component to paste onto
Dim oSelection As Selection
Set oSelection = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
Dim sIID(0)
sIID(0) = "Product"
Dim sOutputState As String
sOutputState = oSelection.SelectElement2(sIID, "Select the component to paste onto", true)
If (sOutputState = "ok" OR sOutputState = "Normal") Then
' Retrieve the product to paste onto (i.e. the father)
If (oSelection.Count > 0) Then
Dim oRoot As Product
Set oRoot = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product
Dim oFatherProduct As AnyObject
Set oFatherProduct = oSelection.Item(1).Value
Dim cFatherProduct As Products
Set cFatherProduct = oFatherProduct.Products
' Compute the inverse of the father position
Dim fatherAbsolutePosition(11)
GetAbsPosition oFatherProduct, oRoot, fatherAbsolutePosition
Dim inverseOfFatherAbsolutePosition(11)
MatrixInverse fatherAbsolutePosition, inverseOfFatherAbsolutePosition
Dim oProductToCopy As Product
Dim oCopiedProduct As Product
Dim productAbsolutePosition(11)
Dim positionToFather(11)
Dim oPosition As Position
Dim J As Integer
For J = 1 to oGroup.CountExplicit
' Retrieve the next product to be copied
Set oProductToCopy = oGroup.ItemExplicit(J)
' Compute the absolute position of the product
GetAbsPosition oProductToCopy, oRoot, productAbsolutePosition
' Compute the relative position of the product with respect to father
MatrixProduct productAbsolutePosition, inverseOfFatherAbsolutePosition, positionToFather
' Copy/Paste the product
oSelection.Add oProductToCopy
oSelection.Add oFatherProduct
' Move the product to get the right position
Set oCopiedProduct = cFatherProduct.Item(cFatherProduct.Count)
oCopiedProduct.Position.SetComponents positionToFather
End If
End If
End If
' Clear
cGroups.Remove oGroup
Set oGroup = Nothing
End Sub