* Constants written into the Object Serialization Stream.
* @author unascribed
* @since 1.1
public interface ObjectStreamConstants {
* Magic number that is written to the stream header.
static final short STREAM_MAGIC = (short)0xaced;
* Version number that is written to the stream header.
static final short STREAM_VERSION = 5;
/* Each item in the stream is preceded by a tag
* First tag value.
static final byte TC_BASE = 0x70;
* Null object reference.
static final byte TC_NULL = (byte)0x70;
* Reference to an object already written into the stream.
static final byte TC_REFERENCE = (byte)0x71;
* new Class Descriptor.
static final byte TC_CLASSDESC = (byte)0x72;
* new Object.
static final byte TC_OBJECT = (byte)0x73;
* new String.
static final byte TC_STRING = (byte)0x74;
* new Array.
static final byte TC_ARRAY = (byte)0x75;
* Reference to Class.
static final byte TC_CLASS = (byte)0x76;
* Block of optional data. Byte following tag indicates number
* of bytes in this block data.
static final byte TC_BLOCKDATA = (byte)0x77;
* End of optional block data blocks for an object.
static final byte TC_ENDBLOCKDATA = (byte)0x78;
* Reset stream context. All handles written into stream are reset.
static final byte TC_RESET = (byte)0x79;
* long Block data. The long following the tag indicates the
* number of bytes in this block data.
static final byte TC_BLOCKDATALONG= (byte)0x7A;
* Exception during write.
static final byte TC_EXCEPTION = (byte)0x7B;
* Long string.
static final byte TC_LONGSTRING = (byte)0x7C;
* new Proxy Class Descriptor.
static final byte TC_PROXYCLASSDESC = (byte)0x7D;
* new Enum constant.
* @since 1.5
static final byte TC_ENUM = (byte)0x7E;
* Last tag value.
static final byte TC_MAX = (byte)0x7E;
* First wire handle to be assigned.
static final int baseWireHandle = 0x7e0000;
/* Bit masks for ObjectStreamClass flag.*/
* Bit mask for ObjectStreamClass flag. Indicates a Serializable class
* defines its own writeObject method.
static final byte SC_WRITE_METHOD = 0x01;
* Bit mask for ObjectStreamClass flag. Indicates Externalizable data
* written in Block Data mode.
* @since 1.2
static final byte SC_BLOCK_DATA = 0x08;
* Bit mask for ObjectStreamClass flag. Indicates class is Serializable.
static final byte SC_SERIALIZABLE = 0x02;
* Bit mask for ObjectStreamClass flag. Indicates class is Externalizable.
static final byte SC_EXTERNALIZABLE = 0x04;
* Bit mask for ObjectStreamClass flag. Indicates class is an enum type.
* @since 1.5
static final byte SC_ENUM = 0x10;
/* *******************************************************************/
/* Security permissions */
* Enable substitution of one object for another during
* serialization/deserialization.
* @see
* @see
* @since 1.2
static final SerializablePermission SUBSTITUTION_PERMISSION =
new SerializablePermission("enableSubstitution");
* Enable overriding of readObject and writeObject.
* @see
* @see
* @since 1.2
static final SerializablePermission SUBCLASS_IMPLEMENTATION_PERMISSION =
new SerializablePermission("enableSubclassImplementation");
* Enable setting the system-wide serial filter.
* @see
* @since 9
static final SerializablePermission SERIAL_FILTER_PERMISSION =
new SerializablePermission("serialFilter");
* A Stream Protocol Version. <p>
* All externalizable data is written in JDK 1.1 external data
* format after calling this method. This version is needed to write
* streams containing Externalizable data that can be read by
* pre-JDK 1.1.6 JVMs.
* @see
* @since 1.2
public static final int PROTOCOL_VERSION_1 = 1;
* A Stream Protocol Version. <p>
* This protocol is written by JVM 1.2.
* Externalizable data is written in block data mode and is
* terminated with TC_ENDBLOCKDATA. Externalizable class descriptor
* flags has SC_BLOCK_DATA enabled. JVM 1.1.6 and greater can
* read this format change.
* Enables writing a nonSerializable class descriptor into the
* stream. The serialVersionUID of a nonSerializable class is
* set to 0L.
* @see
* @since 1.2
public static final int PROTOCOL_VERSION_2 = 2;