

作者: JohnLi李春峰 | 来源:发表于2019-06-20 23:32 被阅读0次


    Dear son, Leo, Li You


    June 20th, 2019 is your 11th birthday. Time flies. It's been 11 years since you came to this world. Some people say that time spent with children is very fast. Yeah, these 11 years feel like a trance yesterday. Eleven years ago, you guttural landing, when Dad was so happy, up and down the stairs are jumping in two and three, then excited to call Grandpa. Your burden has finally been relieved from your mother, and all kinds of worries and anxieties have been washed away by joy. Later I picked you up and went home. I remember carrying two bags of vegetables from the vegetable farm every day after work. It was really hot at that time. Every time my grandmother wiped my father's sweat. In a twinkling of an eye, you're 11 years old. On this birthday, I discussed with your mother to buy you a set of books. Later, your mother said that it was not your favorite. She said that she wanted to buy Lego for you. I was ready to buy it for you. But I also wanted to catch up with these movie characters recently. Not that it was bad, but when you had no judgment, it left a bad influence on your young mind. One night, when you went to bed, you went to the living room to fetch Lego and he was going to take it to bed. I saw that it was stopped. These days, I'm also worried about your gifts. What's the best thing to give? When I got up this morning, Dad felt like writing you a letter to congratulate you on your happy birthday. I hope this will bring you more joy and growth in different ways.


    Speaking of writing letters, what to write and where to start.


    From 2008 to the present, I see the growth of your body, more see the growth of your heart. I'll start recording here to encourage you. In the first half of this year, your mother and I took you out to see the world. In this process, we saw your thirst for knowledge and learning, take care of everyone while going out, take care of yourself, and obey the arrangement every time. This is also very good. We participated in the student congress of our school. We saw that you were brave, calm, struggling, taking into account the overall situation, and tidied up your own things, without losing the three, four, and so on. Good quality will continue to be maintained. Participate in outdoor activities to see that you are active, grateful, careful, persistent, take on these excellent qualities. Now there are more and more class hours in school. Every day we have to catch up with our progress. This has been going on for a long time and has not reached the normal level. Your mother and I will continue to support you in this matter. Please have a good plan. Don't waste time in school. You need to prepare in advance. Please be ready after class. Learn to divide your goals into small pieces. Be patient with what you do. Don't be impatient. Don't give up. Dad didn't talk too much here. He hoped that in the remaining 30 days of the first semester of 2019,

    1. 你可以达到每天完成的标准,21-25页/天。

    1. You can meet the daily completion criteria, 21-25 pages per day.

    2. 对自己不会的有耐心静下来学会,而不是选择放弃,索性不做了。

    2. Be patient with what you won't learn, instead of giving up, just don't do it.

    3. 把自己的目标分解成小目标,每天完成一点。做完自己的手工作业

    3. Break down your goals into small ones and accomplish a little every day. Finish your own manual work

    4. 钢琴每天坚持弹20分钟。

    4. Play the piano for 20 minutes every day.

    父: 李春峰

    Father: Li Chunfeng

    2019年6月19日星期三 武汉西北湖

    Wednesday, June 19, 2019, Northwest Lake, Wuhan




