英语流利说 Level6 Unit3 Part4 Reading

英语流利说 Level6 Unit3 Part4 Reading

作者: LOVQ | 来源:发表于2018-08-22 10:15 被阅读1473次

    How Tech Improves Life

    Paralyzed people can now control artificial limbs by thought alone. This is possible because of the development of technologies which involve connecting the brain to a computer or other electronic devices. One well-known use of such technology enables deaf people to hear. The device has several parts. One part is surgically implanted into the inner ear. There it stimulates nerves to cause the sensation of sound. The other part sits behind the ear and works like a miniature microphone.

    Another new device allows those who have lost an arm or a leg to control their artificial limb just by thinking. The first human volunteer to try this out was Matt Nagel. Matt was paralyzed from the neck down due to a vicious knife attack.

    The process of implanting the device into Matt was quite involved. First, a circular piece of his skull was removed. Then a tiny plate with hair-thin electrodes was inserted into his brain. it was placed in the motor cortex, the brain region that controls movement. This plate detects the electrical signals in the brain that usually control hand movement. From the plate, thin cables were connected to a small computer which decodes the signals from the plate and converts them into commands. Hopefully, these commands would control the artificial hand attached to Matt’s arm.

    Shortly after the operation, Matt was surrounded by the surgeons as he stared at his artificial hand with hope. To the delight of the crowd, the hand started moving, and the fingers closed, becoming a fist. At that moment Matt made history, he became the first person to control an artificial limb by using a device surgically inserted into his brain.

    Since the operation, Nagel has continued to test the technology and further investigate its capabilities. Using thought alone, he can now perform a variety of tasks. He can control a TV and even open emails. Such uses of technology are inspiring and bring joy to our hearts. It is powerful evidence that technological advancements will improve our lives.

    to educate the general public

    by converting thoughts into commands

    Something which is artificial is not natural.

    When something emerges, it appears.

    Such uses of technology are inspiring and bring joy to our hearts.

    It was placed in the motor cortex, the brain region that controls movement.

    To the delight of the crowd, the hand started moving, and the fingers closed, becoming a fist.

    Investors Beware!

    When people talk about investing, they are always looking for the best advice. Many are willing to pay a lot for it. The problem with this, however, is that many financial advisor give the wrong advice. Ultimately, decisions must be made by the investors. Here are some guidelines that may help investors save a lot of money.

    First, a key to successful investing is time itself. What makes many investors rich is that they have invested over a long time. This allows their investments to grow, even if they weren’t active investors. Unfortunately, most people don’t start saving enough until it’s too late. That lack of time limits the power of compounding. So the best advice is to start saving as soon as possible.

    What about economic projections and earnings growth estimates? The truth is, nobody knows. What they really reflect are people’s feelings about the future. It’s interesting to note that someone who buys a low-cost index fund on average does better than someone who invests in an expensive fund managed by famous experts. With investing, simple and basic can earn a bigger return than complex and expensive. Sometimes the pros don’t know what they are talking about. They just talk as if they do.

    What about risk and volatility? One thing for sure is that the stock market will fluctuate. Since 1900 one of the largest index funds has returned about 6% per year. Compare that to the average difference between any year’s highest close and lowest close which is 23%. When an expert tries to explain why the market is down, they are really trying to explain why the sun goes up and down.

    And finally, beware! The financial industry is dominated by people whose only interest in your wealth is how much they can charge you. Unfortunately, the louder a financial expert is, the more exposure he will get even though he’s often wrong. This is one of the most important things to know about finance. Don’t be misled by experts.

    In investing, compounding means to increase in value due to gains in both the investment and its accumulated interest.

    In investing, the market refers to the stock market, where shares of companies are bought and sold.

    Sufficient time is needed for investments to take advantage of the power of compounding.



          本文标题:英语流利说 Level6 Unit3 Part4 Reading
