tux 晚礼服
heirloom 传家宝
roulette 轮盘
telekinetic:the production of motion in objects (as by a spiritualistic medium) without contact or other physical means.
take it up a notch:to try harder / make more effort / to make something more exciting, intense, or interesting'. The expression is sometimes written as "Kick it up a notch". It has the same meaning as "take it up a notch".
shawl 披肩
realtor 房地产经纪人
"No problemo" is a slang expression used and popularized in North American English to indicate that a given situation does not pose a problem. It has roughly the same meaning as the expression "no problem". The expression is sometimes used as an instance of "pseudo-Spanish" or Mock Spanish.
drop a deuce. (euphemistic, slang) To release feces into a toilet etc.: to defecate.
wingman:a pilot whose aircraft is positioned behind and outside the leading aircraft in a formation.
bluffing 虚张声势