Design of Computer Programs L3

Design of Computer Programs L3

作者: NoneLand | 来源:发表于2017-01-28 00:40 被阅读11次

    Course Digest


    Code1 Code2
    • 格式化字符串??
    def matchset(pattern, text):
        "Match pattern at start of text; return a set of remainders of text."
        op, x, y = components(pattern)
        if 'lit' == op:
            return set([text[len(x):]]) if text.startswith(x) else null
        elif 'seq' == op:
            return set(t2 for t1 in matchset(x, text) for t2 in matchset(y, t1))
        elif 'alt' == op:
            return matchset(x, text) | matchset(y, text)
        elif 'dot' == op:
            return set([text[1:]]) if text else null
        elif 'oneof' == op:
            # return set([text[1:]]) if text[0] in x else null
            return set(text[1:]]) if text.startwith(x) 
        elif 'eol' == op:
            return set(['']) if text == '' else null
        elif 'star' == op:
            return (set([text]) |
                    set(t2 for t1 in matchset(x, text)
                        for t2 in matchset(pattern, t1) if t1 != text))
            raise ValueError('unknown pattern: %s' % pattern)
    null = frozenset()
    def components(pattern):
        "Return the op, x, and y arguments; x and y are None if missing."
        x = pattern[1] if len(pattern) > 1 else None
        y = pattern[2] if len(pattern) > 2 else None
        return pattern[0], x, y
    def test():
        assert matchset(('lit', 'abc'), 'abcdef')            == set(['def'])
        assert matchset(('seq', ('lit', 'hi '),
                         ('lit', 'there ')), 
                       'hi there nice to meet you')          == set(['nice to meet you'])
        assert matchset(('alt', ('lit', 'dog'), 
                        ('lit', 'cat')), 'dog and cat')      == set([' and cat'])
        assert matchset(('dot',), 'am i missing something?') == set(['m i missing something?'])
        assert matchset(('oneof', 'a'), 'aabc123')           == set(['abc123'])
        assert matchset(('eol',),'')                         == set([''])
        assert matchset(('eol',),'not end of line')          == frozenset([])
        assert matchset(('star', ('lit', 'hey')), 'heyhey!') == set(['!', 'heyhey!', 'hey!'])
        return 'tests pass'
    print test()
    • str.startwith(x) 中x可以是一个tuple
    dis Module
    def test(a):
          return 1 if a>0 else 0 if a == 0 else -1
    • 编译器优化之一:避免重复
    • 函数式编程(装饰器用法)
    def n_ary(f):
        """Given binary function f(x, y), return an n_ary function such
        that f(x, y, z) = f(x, f(y,z)), etc. Also allow f(x) = x."""
        def n_ary_f(x, *args):
            # return f(x) if len(args)==0 else f(x, args[0]) \
            #     if len(args)==1 else f(x, n_ary_f(args[0], *args[1:]))
            return x if not args else f(x, n_ary_f(*args))
        return n_ary_f
    def seq(x, y):
        return ('seq', x, y)
    print(seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
    # output:  ('seq', 1, ('seq', 2, ('seq', 3, ('seq', 4, 5))))
    update_wrapper 等效做法
    • @decorator 该函数定义了一些迁移文档的语句块(大概)。这样很是方便。


    def test():
    def test():
        print('Fake test')
    # Out: Fake test
    • Memoization: look-up, computation, store
    Memo demo
    • Interesting:老师随意给出一个数字——42。_
    • 字典的键值必须immutable.s
    Counter Decorator
    • Tools types

    • debugging tool

    • performance tool

    • expressive tool

    • ** Usefule trace decorator**

    from functools import update_wrapper
    def decorator(d):
        "Make function d a decorator: d wraps a function fn."
        def _d(fn):
            return update_wrapper(d(fn), fn)
        update_wrapper(_d, d)
        return _d
    def trace(f):
        indent = '   '
        def _f(*args):
            signature = '%s(%s)' % (f.__name__, ', '.join(map(repr, args)))
            print '%s--> %s' % (trace.level*indent, signature)
            trace.level += 1
                result = f(*args)
                print '%s<-- %s == %s' % ((trace.level-1)*indent, 
                                          signature, result)
                trace.level -= 1
            return result
        trace.level = 0
        return _f
    def fib(n):
        if n == 0 or n == 1:
            return 1
            return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
    Disable Decorator
    • ** Context-free languages**
    • ** Wishful Thinking**
    # ---------------
    # User Instructions
    # Modify the parse function so that it doesn't repeat computations.
    # You have learned about a tool in this unit that prevents 
    # repetitive computations. Try using that!
    # For this question, the grader will be looking for a specific 
    # solution. Hint: it should only involve adding one line of code
    # (and that line should only contain 5 characters).
    from functools import update_wrapper
    import re
    def parse(start_symbol, text, grammar):
        """Example call: parse('Exp', '3*x + b', G).
        Returns a (tree, remainder) pair. If remainder is '', it parsed the whole
        string. Failure iff remainder is None. This is a deterministic PEG parser,
        so rule order (left-to-right) matters. Do 'E => T op E | T', putting the
        longest parse first; don't do 'E => T | T op E'
        Also, no left recursion allowed: don't do 'E => E op T'"""
        tokenizer = grammar[' '] + '(%s)'
        def parse_sequence(sequence, text):
            result = []
            for atom in sequence:
                tree, text = parse_atom(atom, text)
                if text is None: return Fail
            return result, text
        @memo  # This decorator makes parser work faster.
        def parse_atom(atom, text):
            if atom in grammar:  # Non-Terminal: tuple of alternatives
                for alternative in grammar[atom]:
                    tree, rem = parse_sequence(alternative, text)
                    if rem is not None: return [atom]+tree, rem  
                return Fail
            else:  # Terminal: match characters against start of text
                m = re.match(tokenizer % atom, text)
                return Fail if (not m) else (m.group(1), text[m.end():])
        # Body of parse:
        return parse_atom(start_symbol, text)
    Fail = (None, None)
    # The following decorators may help you solve this question. HINT HINT!
    def decorator(d):
        "Make function d a decorator: d wraps a function fn."
        def _d(fn):
            return update_wrapper(d(fn), fn)
        update_wrapper(_d, d)
        return _d
    def memo(f):
        """Decorator that caches the return value for each call to f(args).
        Then when called again with same args, we can just look it up."""
        cache = {}
        def _f(*args):
                return cache[args]
            except KeyError:
                cache[args] = result = f(*args)
                return result
            except TypeError:
                # some element of args can't be a dict key
                return f(args)
        return _f
    Verify Fucntion



          本文标题:Design of Computer Programs L3
