
作者: 李校服 | 来源:发表于2019-06-11 01:10 被阅读0次

The past is everything we were

I remenber the caring,the singing

the stories telling,the hugging,the smiling

the missing,the love......

so I dream,to be stronger,until make it real

I glow in the dark turning dust to gold

I will still chase,I will still reach,I will still fly

until I'm breaking out of my cage

like the bird in the dark

I know I'm changing

I know I'm changing into something

that big, better than before

Then it's worth fighting for

I will chase, chase the sun,find the beautiful

until from the bottom to the top

Never quit,Never stop

Utill we are sparking in universe

Grandpa Grandpa Grandpa Grandpa


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