Golang sort

Golang sort

作者: 合肥黑 | 来源:发表于2019-03-14 15:16 被阅读0次

参考golang 对自定义类型排序


sort 包 在内部实现了四种基本的排序算法:插入排序(insertionSort)、归并排序(symMerge)、堆排序(heapSort)和快速排序(quickSort); sort 包会依据实际数据自动选择最优的排序算法。所以我们写代码时只需要考虑实现 sort.Interface 这个类型就可以了。

func Sort(data Interface) {
    // Switch to heapsort if depth of 2*ceil(lg(n+1)) is reached.
    n := data.Len()
    maxDepth := 0
    for i := n; i > 0; i >>= 1 {
    maxDepth *= 2
    quickSort(data, 0, n, maxDepth)

type Interface interface {
    // Len is the number of elements in the collection.
    Len() int
    // Less reports whether the element with
    // index i should sort before the element with index j.
    Less(i, j int) bool
    // Swap swaps the elements with indexes i and j.
    Swap(i, j int)
// 内部实现的四种排序算法
// 插入排序
func insertionSort(data Interface, a, b int)
// 堆排序
func heapSort(data Interface, a, b int)
// 快速排序
func quickSort(data Interface, a, b, maxDepth int)
// 归并排序
func symMerge(data Interface, a, m, b int)


// Ints sorts a slice of ints in increasing order.
func Ints(a []int) { Sort(IntSlice(a)) }

// Float64s sorts a slice of float64s in increasing order
// (not-a-number values are treated as less than other values).
func Float64s(a []float64) { Sort(Float64Slice(a)) }

// Strings sorts a slice of strings in increasing order.
func Strings(a []string) { Sort(StringSlice(a)) }

// IntsAreSorted tests whether a slice of ints is sorted in increasing order.
func IntsAreSorted(a []int) bool { return IsSorted(IntSlice(a)) }

// Float64sAreSorted tests whether a slice of float64s is sorted in increasing order
// (not-a-number values are treated as less than other values).
func Float64sAreSorted(a []float64) bool { return IsSorted(Float64Slice(a)) }

// StringsAreSorted tests whether a slice of strings is sorted in increasing order.
func StringsAreSorted(a []string) bool { return IsSorted(StringSlice(a)) }


    b := []float64{1.1, 2.3, 5.3, 3.4}
[1.1 2.3 3.4 5.3]


// Float64Slice attaches the methods of Interface to []float64, sorting in increasing order
// (not-a-number values are treated as less than other values).
type Float64Slice []float64

func (p Float64Slice) Len() int           { return len(p) }
func (p Float64Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] || isNaN(p[i]) && !isNaN(p[j]) }
func (p Float64Slice) Swap(i, j int)      { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }


对于未提供的内置类型排序,sort模块提供了一个非常灵活的函数sort.Slice(slice interface{}, less func(i, j int) bool),第一个参数是要排序的切片.第二个参数是一个函数,函数接收两个index值,返回 slice[ I] < slice[j]这个bool值.

func main() {
    a := []uint64{5, 9, 8, 3, 1, 100, 0}
    sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool { return a[i] < a[j] })
package main

import (

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

type Persons []Person
// 获取此 slice 的长度
func (p Persons) Len() int { return len(p) }
// 根据元素的年龄降序排序 (此处按照自己的业务逻辑写) 
func (p Persons) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return p[i].Age > p[j].Age
// 交换数据
func (p Persons) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
func main() {
    persons := Persons{
            Name: "test1",
            Age:  20,
            Name: "test2",
            Age:  22,
            Name: "test3",
            Age:  21,

    for _, person := range persons {
        fmt.Println(person.Name, ":", person.Age)
    for _, person := range persons {
        fmt.Println(person.Name, ":", person.Age)


当我们对某一个结构体中多个字段进行排序时怎么办,难道每排序一个就写下这三个方法么,当然不是。我们可以利用嵌套结构体来解决这个问题。因为嵌套结构体可以继承父结构体的所有属性和方法。比如我想对上面 Person 的 Name 字段和 Age 对要排序,我们可以利用嵌套结构体来改进一下。

package main

import (

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

type Persons []Person

// Len()方法和Swap()方法不用变化
// 获取此 slice 的长度
func (p Persons) Len() int { return len(p) }

// 交换数据
func (p Persons) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }

// 嵌套结构体  将继承 Person 的所有属性和方法
// 所以相当于SortByName 也实现了 Len() 和 Swap() 方法
type SortByName struct{ Persons }

// 根据元素的姓名长度降序排序 (此处按照自己的业务逻辑写)
func (p SortByName) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return len(p.Persons[i].Name) > len(p.Persons[j].Name)

type SortByAge struct{ Persons }

// 根据元素的年龄降序排序 (此处按照自己的业务逻辑写)
func (p SortByAge) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return p.Persons[i].Age > p.Persons[j].Age

func main() {
    persons := Persons{
            Name: "test123",
            Age:  20,
            Name: "test1",
            Age:  22,
            Name: "test12",
            Age:  21,

    for _, person := range persons {
        fmt.Println(person.Name, ":", person.Age)
    for _, person := range persons {
        fmt.Println(person.Name, ":", person.Age)


package main

import (

/*slice 简单排序示例*/
func main() {
    ageList := []int{1, 3, 7, 7, 8, 2, 5}

    sort.Slice(ageList, func(i, j int) bool {
        return ageList[i] < ageList[j]
    fmt.Printf("after sort:%v", ageList)
//输出 after sort:[1 2 3 5 7 7 8]

参考 golang sort.Slice

241 // Slice sorts the provided slice given the provided less function.
242 //
243 // The sort is not guaranteed to be stable. For a stable sort, use
244 // SliceStable.
245 //
246 // The function panics if the provided interface is not a slice.
247 func Slice(slice interface{}, less func(i, j int) bool) {
248     rv := reflect.ValueOf(slice) 
249     swap := reflect.Swapper(slice)
250     length := rv.Len()
251     quickSort_func(lessSwap{less, swap}, 0, length, maxDepth(length))
252 }
swap := reflect.Swapper(slice)

// Swapper returns a function that swaps the elements in the provided
 10 // slice.
 11 //
 12 // Swapper panics if the provided interface is not a slice.
 13 func Swapper(slice interface{}) func(i, j int) {
 14     v := ValueOf(slice)
 15     if v.Kind() != Slice {
 16         panic(&ValueError{Method: "Swapper", Kind: v.Kind()})
 17     }
 62     tmp := unsafe_New(typ) // swap scratch space
 64     return func(i, j int) {
 65         if uint(i) >= uint(s.Len) || uint(j) >= uint(s.Len) {
 66             panic("reflect: slice index out of range")
 67         }
 68         val1 := arrayAt(s.Data, i, size)
 69         val2 := arrayAt(s.Data, j, size)
 70         typedmemmove(typ, tmp, val1)
 71         typedmemmove(typ, val1, val2)
 72         typedmemmove(typ, val2, tmp)
 73     }
 74 }
250     length := rv.Len()

1019 // Len returns v's length.
1020 // It panics if v's Kind is not Array, Chan, Map, Slice, or String.
1021 func (v Value) Len() int {
1022     k := v.kind()
1023     switch k {
1024     case Array:
1025         tt := (*arrayType)(unsafe.Pointer(v.typ))
1026         return int(tt.len)
1027     case Chan:
1028         return chanlen(v.pointer())
1029     case Map:
1030         return maplen(v.pointer())
1031     case Slice:
1032         // Slice is bigger than a word; assume flagIndir.
1033         return (*sliceHeader)(v.ptr).Len
1034     case String:
1035         // String is bigger than a word; assume flagIndir.
1036         return (*stringHeader)(v.ptr).Len
1037     }
1038     panic(&ValueError{"reflect.Value.Len", v.kind()})
1039 }
135 // Auto-generated variant of sort.go:quickSort
136 func quickSort_func(data lessSwap, a, b, maxDepth int) {
137     for b-a > 12 {
138         if maxDepth == 0 {
139             heapSort_func(data, a, b)
140             return
141         }
142         maxDepth--
143         mlo, mhi := doPivot_func(data, a, b)
144         if mlo-a < b-mhi {
145             quickSort_func(data, a, mlo, maxDepth)
146             a = mhi
147         } else {
148             quickSort_func(data, mhi, b, maxDepth)
149             b = mlo
150         }
151     }
152     if b-a > 1 {
153         for i := a + 6; i < b; i++ {
154             if data.Less(i, i-6) {
155                 data.Swap(i, i-6)
156             }
157         }
158         insertionSort_func(data, a, b)
159     }
160 }
// Swapper returns a function that swaps the elements in the provided
 10 // slice.
 11 //
 12 // Swapper panics if the provided interface is not a slice.
 13 func Swapper(slice interface{}) func(i, j int) {
 14    ...........省略部分代码
 18     // Fast path for slices of size 0 and 1. Nothing to swap.
 19     switch v.Len() {
 20     case 0:
 21         return func(i, j int) { panic("reflect: slice index out of range") }
 22     case 1:
 23         return func(i, j int) {
 24             if i != 0 || j != 0 {
 25                 panic("reflect: slice index out of range")
 26             }
 27         }
 28     }


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