基于SSM框架的实验室云端监管系统的设计与实现 1
1 概述 1
1.1 设计题目 1
1.2 系统概述 1
1.3 选题背景 1
1.4 研究现状 1
1.5 研究内容 2
2 需求分析 2
2.1 功能性需求 2
2.1.1 系统功能模块 2
2.1.2 系统实现目标 3
2.2 非功能性需求 3
3 系统功能流程图 3
3.1 登录流程图 3
3.2 添加、修改或删除数据流程图 4
4 数据库设计 5
4.1 数据分析 5
4.2 数据库的实体关系E-R图 5
5 系统设计 8
5.1 SSM框架(Spring、SpringMVC、Mybatis) 8
5.2 Spring Boot 框架 8
5.3 Apache Shiro 8
5.4 系统环境搭建 8
5.5 系统实现及系统结构 9
6. 结束语 15
致谢 16
参考文献 16
摘要 基于SSM框架的实验室云端监管系统是一个基于SSM框架的网站系统,采用Java编程语言开发,可以实现实验室信息管理,包括学生、教师的信息及权限管理,实验室实时状态查询。本论文主要介绍了基于SSM框架的实验室云端监管系统开发的选题背景以及本系统的开发环境等等,接下来对通过对系统的需求分析和设计来勾画整个程序的大概轮廓,此中包涵了对系统功能模块的设计,构建系统结构以及对系统界面的设计等等。
关键字 信息化管理;网站系统; Shiro;Spring Boot;SSM框架;Java编程语言;
Design and Implementation of Laboratory Cloud Monitoring System Based on SSM Framework
Abstract: The laboratory cloud monitoring system based on SSM framework is a website system based on SSM framework, which is developed by Java programming language, and can realize laboratory information management, including information and authority management of students and teachers, and real-time status query of laboratories. This paper mainly introduces the background of developing the laboratory cloud monitoring system based on the framework of SSM and the development environment of the system, etc. Next, the outline of the whole program is sketched through the analysis and design of the system requirements, which includes the design of the system functional modules, the construction of the system structure and the design of the system interface, etc.
Keywords: Information management; website system; Shiro; Spring Boot; JAVA; SSM framework;
本文来自: 毕业作品网站(www.biyezuopin.vip) 详细出处参考:http://www.biyezuopin.vip/onews.asp?id=16180