A fellow with a bad cough comes in to thepharmacy, walks up to the counter andasks for the pharmacist. A young clerktells him that the pharmacist is not
available. The man asks the young clerk ifhe can recommend anything for his cough.The clerk gives him a bottle of some
medicine for his cough. The customertakes a big swig, then after a few
minutes, with no apparent relief, he takesanother, and another.
一个人咳嗽得非常厉害,他到药房去抓药。当他走近柜台找药剂师的时候,- -个年轻的店员告诉他药剂师这会儿很忙。那个人就问这个年轻的店员能不能给他点药来止咳。那个店员就给他一瓶药水止咳,那个人就喝下一大口。过了几分钟,症状v没有明显的好转,他就又喝了一大口,接着又一大口。