
For Chinese 中文宝宝们看这里~

亲爱的郑太西宝宝们,大家好!我是本次即兴演讲比赛环节的Chair Julie,非常感谢各位选手们能不远长途来太原参加2018年H中区春季英文即兴演讲比赛。我仅代表太原土著头马们热泪盈眶的欢迎大家来太原吃好喝好顺便比赛好!
For English 外籍宝宝们看这里

Dear all,
Good afternoon! I am Julie, the Chair of the Table Topics Contest. I am very grateful to have all of you a long way to Taiyuan for the 2018 Divison H Table Topics Contest . On behalf of the local Toastmaster, I wish all of u would have a great stay here !
In order to hold the competition smoothly , you may need to pay attention to information below , and if you have any questions, please contact me in time.
1. Remark your name : Please change your nickname to the name you officially used during the competition,also please mark the name of the Club and the Area you belong to. E.g. Julie-TES-H4
2. Attendance time: Considering that some contestants will participate in two competition, please arrive before 9:00am,on April 15 and sign all the contest papers .
3.Contest Address : Check the map link below.
4. Contest rules:
All the contestants you have one minute to two minutes to deliver your speech . A Timing will begin with the contestant’s first definite verbal or nonverbal communication with the audience. A contestant will be disqualified if the speech is less than one minute or more than two minutes 30 seconds. The red signal will be displayed at two minutes and remain displayed until the speech is concluded,no signal shall be given for the overtime period.
5. Contest order: Due to the fact that one of our contestants Richard still couldn’t be contacted, we will temporarily set an online Red Packet at 8 o'clock on Saturday evening to decide the order (if we still haven't get in touch with Richar then , we will decide the order on Sunday before the contest started ). Red packet rule: I will send a red pocket in this group at 8:00pm ,then u need to open it,we will determine the order according to the amount of money you got, from the largest to the smallest, if contestants got the same amount,then the result will based on the order of the choosen order.
6. Speech Area : Check the pictures below (the final stage area will be continue to send in this group on tomorrow)
7. Contest Facilities: We provide headsets also microphones, whether the above equipment is necessary or not, we will confirm it tomorrow.
The temperature on April 15: 4-19°C/39.2- 66.2℉
Please keep warm and also make your appearance a perfect one.
Julie's Telephone : 18101135224, feel free to call~
All in all , I wish all of you could have a great performance , enjoy the contest ,enjoy the stage! You are the shining star of Divison H ,see u in Harbin Conference!

Speech Area
