

作者: 阳谋家 | 来源:发表于2019-03-03 22:25 被阅读2次

Save v. [seiv] (saves; saved; saving)












save a child 救小孩

save a mile 少走一英里路

save dangerous situation 挽回危局

save honour 保全荣耀

save money 存钱

save one's breath 保持沉默

save one's face 保全面子

save one's neck 明哲保身

save one's pains 不浪费力气

save sb a lot of time 为某人节省大量时间

save sb a place 替某人保留一个座位

save the situation 收拾时局,挽救难关

save the tide 把握机会


save courageously 勇敢地拯救

save heroically 英勇地拯救

save judiciously 明智地拯救

save phenomenally 非凡地拯救

save prudently 小心慎重地节省

save rashly 急躁地拯救

save scrupulously 一丝不苟地拯救

save spectacularly 壮观地拯救

save substantially 大量节省

save up money 存钱


save for 为...节省(保留)

save these cherries for sb 给某人留了这些樱桃

save from 从...中救出

save a child from water 从水中救出小孩

save the children from the fire 从火中救出孩子们

save valuable records from destruction 使珍贵档案免遭毁坏

save on coal 节煤

save on fuel 节约燃料

save on investment 节省投资

save on running-costs 节省经营成本


save for(v.+prep.) 为...积蓄(储存)...

1.save for wh-clause(when,why ,who,where以wh开头的从句)

eg:It is necessary to save for when you are ill or too old to work.有必要存些前以备生病或年老不能工作时用。

2.save sth for sb/sth

eg:Are you saving the best wine for the party?你把最好的酒储存起来是为了聚会用吗?

eg:I‘m trying to save as much of my income as I can for my old age.我正竭力从我的收入中挤出更多的钱积蓄起来以备晚年之用。

eg:The shopkeeper saved a pound of my special cheese for me,as I'm a regular customer.店主给我留下了我专门要的奶酪,因为我是老主顾了。

eg:Please save my place for me while I make a telephone call.我去打个电话,请把我的地方留出来。

save from(v.+prep.) 从...中救出,使免受

1.save sb/oneself/sth from sth

eg:The brave soldier saved a child from aburning house.那勇敢的战士从着火的房子里救出了一个孩子。

eg:How can the city save these fine old buildings from destruction?这个城市怎样才能抢救这些精美的古老建筑使其免遭毁灭呢?

eg:What can we do to save him from the results of his own foolishness?我们怎样做才能使他免受因自己愚蠢所致的后果?

eg:Everybody knew the could not selves from defeat there.谁都知道他们没法摆脱在那里失败的命运。

2.用于be saved 结构

eg:Luckily our precious records were saved from the fire.幸运得很,我们这些珍贵得记录从火灾中抢救了出来。

3.save sb from doing

eg:A young man saved a little girl from drowning.一个青年救起了快要淹死得小女孩。

eg:It will save the student from wasting his time in exercises.这可使学生不至于把时间浪费在做练习上。

save till(v.+prep.) 把...保存到...

save sth till sth

eg:Let's save this bottle of wine till christmas.我们把这瓶酒留到圣诞节再喝吧。

Save up(v.+adv.) 储存起来

1.save up

eg:I am saving up to buy a car.我在攒钱买车。

eg:They are saving up to buy a colour TV set.他们正在存钱买彩色电视机。

eg:They're saving up for their wedding next year.他们正在存钱准备明年结婚。

2.save sth up

eg:Mary saved up pieces of cloth to make a quilt.玛丽存了几块布留作棉被用。

eg:You should save some money up,instead of spending it all.你应该把钱存一些起来,不要全部花掉。




eg:He has never saved.他从来不存钱。

 eg:She saves in every way she can.她尽一切可能节约。

 S+~+to do

eg:I am saving to buy the house.为了买下这房子我在攒钱


S+~+n./pron. (名词或代词)

eg:We must do all we can to save the patient.我们必须竭尽全力来抢救病人。

 eg:The doctor said that only an immediate operation could save the poor child.医生说只有立即手术才能挽救那个可怜孩子的生命。

eg:They could think of no way to save the situation.他们想不出什么办法来挽救局势。、

eg:I saved part of my salary each month.我每月把工资储存起一部分。

eg:We could save some of the meat.我们可以留点肉。

eg:Machines save labour.机器能节省劳力。

eg:If we go by this road,we can save half a mile.如果我们走这条路,可以少走半英里地。

eg:Bill would not play the game because he knew he could not do well,and he wanted to save his face.比尔不愿参加比赛,因为他知道自己水平不高而想保全面子。

eg:Save your breath,the boss will never give you the day off.省点口舌吧,老板不会给你一天假的。

eg:I've been saving myself for you.我一直留在这里等你。

用于 be +Ved结构

eg:Although their equipment was lost,the men were saved.虽然装备丧失了,人却救出来了。

Save sb/sb's doing

eg:I'll telephone and that will save me writing a letter.我要打个电话就不用写信了。

eg:He had repaired my kettle,and it saved my buying a new one.他把我的水壶修好了,免得我再买一只新的。



eg:My mother saved me some cake.




