

作者: 斯巴达勇士405 | 来源:发表于2018-08-17 11:43 被阅读0次

Autonomous Vehicles Fall Into The Trough Of Disillusionment ... But That's Good


Autonomous vehicles have plunged into the Trough of Disillusionment!


        When I say it like that, it seems like the end is near, that the billions of dollars that have been spent on developing AVs is for naught.


        In fact, it was inevitable and a good sign for the technology. This year, I was the lead author on Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Connected Vehicles and Smart Mobility and our group placed autonomous vehicles into the Trough of Disillusionment.


        The Hype Cycle is a very useful report that looks at a range of technologies and concepts and tries to plot their maturity against the hype they are receiving. The idea is that technologies are hyped well ahead of their actual impact. By the time they are mature, they aren’t hyped much any longer.


        For autonomous vehicles and other technologies that are put on the cycle, the idea is to peg the moment when buzz is extremely high and then, later, to find the moment when buzz is fading in the face of commercialization or implementation efforts. And often there is a consolidation of suppliers and tightening of resources as it becomes clear the market can’t support more players.


        We plot technologies as they pass to each of the five stages on the cycle.


        Over the past year, there have been a number of signs that this is occurring with autonomous vehicles. The sale of nuTonomy to Delphi (which became Aptiv), was a major event as nuTonomy was a leading independent autonomous vehicle developer. That sale was only a few months after Intel purchased Israeli safety-system company, Mobileye, for more than $15 billion. And while companies continue to get funding in the autonomy space, some of the smaller players are beginning to feel the squeeze as venture funders are getting more picky about investments.


        Bloomberg recently wrote about the challenges of Quanergy, which at one point was probably the hottest name in LiDAR sensors. They are the laser range finders that are used to help AVs “see.” It’s likely that struggles will become more common because it will be years before mass commercialization of the technology, and there are dozens and dozens of potential suppliers. In other words, it will be a long time before the revenue starts pouring in, and when it does, not everyone in the race now will be getting it.


        Unquestionably, the accidental killing of a pedestrian in Arizona by an Uber autonomous vehicle development vehicle, as well as the death of a man using Tesla’s Autopilot driver assistance system have drawn concerns about the readiness of the technology to be deployed.


        Hype is still relatively strong, but it isn’t the same as 2015 when the timetable for companies developing autonomous vehicles seemed reasonable and the impact enormous. That was when Gartner put the technology at the Peak of Inflated Expectations. Now, on the back half of 2018, the planned launch schedules for autonomous vehicles are beginning to feel uncomfortably close.


        Waymo certainly is holding up its part of the bargain and plans to debut its commercial ride-hailing service using driverless minivans later this year. If it does, it will be a giant accomplishment. General Motors plans to launch autonomous vehicles next year in a ride-hailing fleet. Then a slew of other companies plans to debut cars in 2020 and 2021.


        But as these promised deployments grow ever closer, there still are questions about whether the technology will be ready for commercial deployment.


        Meanwhile, the U.S. government still hasn’t been able to pass a law to govern their safety. Cities and states are wondering what they should do to regulate these vehicles.


        Audi said the lack of clarity on regulations is preventing it from selling the A8 equipped with Traffic Jam Assist in the U.S. It is the first so-called Level 3 system, which allows drivers to take their hands off the wheel and let the car drive up to about 35 mph.

        奥迪表示,缺乏明确的法规阻碍了它在美国销售配备了交通拥堵辅助系统Traffic Jam Assist的新A8车型。新A8是世界上第一个被称为达到了自动驾驶3级水平的车型。它允许驾驶员将手从方向盘上移开并让汽车以大约35英里每小时的速度自主行驶。

        The technology must go forward through the cycle, and I expect that if it follows form, there will be more delays and struggles to commercialize the technology, but that will not diminish its importance. In a few years, it will be climbing up the Slope of Enlightenment and into the Plateau of Productivity. By then, it won’t be hyped nearly as much, but it will be a lot more useful.


By Mike Ramsey


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