作者: Notyes | 来源:发表于2018-11-26 21:21 被阅读0次



    Forrest Gump is the movie that impressed me most. The hero,Mr.Gump ,has a low IQ but a rich mind.His deeds encouraged and inspired numerous people around the world.

    The deepest impression that the movie left me with is that Mr.Gump just kept running all the time.It seemed that,through running,Mr.Gump went to the university,was invited to the White House and even travelled throughout the whole nation.Sometimes I wonder if we all misunderstand the true meaning of being smart and clever,for Mr.Gump has taught us a very  different lesson.No one could imagine that a man who is regarded as "stupid" can do so many amazing things,while the fact is that he does gain a great deal of  unexpected fame and success.

    From my point of view,kindness and simplicity are the cleverest gift that God has given us.Mr.Gump's success is no accident.There is no doubt that through perseverance,ordinary people like you and me can succeed in our life.


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