

作者: malgee | 来源:发表于2021-03-09 16:48 被阅读0次
  1. 问题: === BUILD TARGET SchoolBasedDev OF PROJECT SchoolBased WITH THE DEFAULT CONFIGURATION (Debug) ===

Check dependencies
Code Signing Error: Provisioning profile "devSchoolBaseDebug" doesn't include signing certificate "Apple Distribution: National Center For Open & Distance Education xxxx".

  • 解决: 选中PROGECT使用Release编译
  1. 问题: error: exportArchive: "xxxApp.app" requires a provisioning profile with the Push Notifications feature.

Error Domain=IDEProvisioningErrorDomain Code=9 ""xxxApp.app" requires a provisioning profile with the Push Notifications feature." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription="xxxaApp.app" requires a provisioning profile with the Push Notifications feature., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Add a profile to the "provisioningProfiles" dictionary in your Export Options property list.}

这是导出Archive出现了问题, 查看配置的ExportOptions.plist文件是否正确

  • 解决: 我这里配置的provisioningProfiles出错了, bundle id没有对应自己的pp描述文件
             // 这个是bundle id
           // 这个是pp描述文件
  1. 问题: DVTPortal: Error:
    Error Domain=DVTPortalServiceErrorDomain Code=1100 "Your session has expired. Please log in."

账号登录过期了, 需要重新登录;

  • 解决: Xcode ——>Preference——> Accounts 重新登录
  1. 问题: error: exportArchive: No "iOS Ad Hoc" profiles for team 'SAxxxxx32' matching 'devSchoolBasedRelease' are installed.

Error Domain=IDEProfileLocatorErrorDomain Code=4 "No "iOS Ad Hoc" profiles for team ''SAxxxxx32' matching 'devSchoolBasedRelease' are installed." UserInfo={IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3, NSLocalizedDescription=No "iOS Ad Hoc" profiles for team ''SAxxxxx32' matching 'devSchoolBasedRelease' are installed., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Install a profile (by dragging and dropping it onto Xcode's dock item) or specify a different profile in your Export Options property list.}

导出的ExportOptions.plist配置错误了, 要仔细检查下

  • 解决:
    由于打包configuration是release, 需要使用正式的发布证书, iPhone Distribution 改成 Apple Distribution
<string>Apple Distribution</string>
  1. 问题:

Please provide your Apple Developer Program account credentials�
�The login information you enter will be stored in your macOS Keychain�
�You can also pass the password using the FASTLANE_PASSWORD environment variable�

  • 解决: 设置FASTLANE_PASSWORD在环境变量中。

参考: 这里的问题6



