力迈中美(国际)教育 | 九华山庄幼儿园,开园钜惠,学位抢定正式

力迈中美(国际)教育 | 九华山庄幼儿园,开园钜惠,学位抢定正式

作者: 力迈中美国际幼儿园 | 来源:发表于2018-07-11 09:27 被阅读27次

    九华山庄幼儿园 开园钜惠

    LiMai Chinese American (International) Education JiuHua Campus Preschool, benefiting from the opening of the preschool, officially starting the degree grading.


    LiMai Chinese American(International) Education is an international education group integrating preschools, primary schools, junior schools, high schools, and overseas study services.  By blending the Chinese and American educational philosophy, the world’s influential independent innovation courses and Chinese and American elites teaching team and scientific teaching methods, we develop students to become international talents with love and responsibility, inspiration and knowledge, health and happiness.  



    LiMai Chinese American( Internation )Preschool LiShuiQiao is the first direct preschool in Beijing under the LiMai Education Group,located at Li Shui Road Park, Litang Road, adjacent to Lishuiqiao Park,also be known as: “The  in in park preschool, the preschool garden". At present, there are six classes for children in preschool (opened parenting classes, half-day classes, child care classes, K1-K4 classes). In the immersive environment to develop children's ability to use good English, attach importance to the habits of children, exercise children's learning ability, hands-on ability, problem solving ability and other comprehensive capabilities

    力迈中美(国际)幼儿园 立水桥园 是力迈教育集团旗下北京第一所直营幼儿园,位于立汤路立水桥公园1号,毗邻立水桥公园,被称为:“公园里的幼儿园,幼儿园里的花园”。目前在园幼儿有5个班别(亲子班、半日班、托班、小班、中班、大班)。在浸入式环境中培养孩子良好英语运用能力、重视幼儿习惯养成,锻炼幼儿的学习能力,动手能力,问题解决能力等综合能力。


    立水桥园校区 正门


    LiMai Chinese American (International) Preschool JiuHua Park is the second Limai Direct Preschool after Lishuiqiao Campus and is located in the 12th District of Jiuhua Villa. It covers an area of 3,000 square meters and has a large outdoor area of 1500 square meters. 1,500 square meters is for a total of 7 classes. In 2018, we will set up preschool classes, ranged between small-, medium- and large classes to recruit young children aged 2-6.




    1. 所有外教均来自英语为母语的国家。

    All foreign teachers come from English-speaking countries.

    2.   严格的选拔程序,上岗教师必须持有国际教师资格证书。

    We uphold strict selection procedures.  Teachers must hold an international teacher qualification certificate.

    3.   有爱心、责任心,任教老师具有国际幼儿园四年及以上的经验。

    Our teachers are caring and responsible and have taught preschool internationally for four years or more.

    4.   外方教学总监领衔负责外教招聘、培训、任教,负责教案检查和教学监督。

    The foreign teaching director is responsible for foreign teacher recruitment, training, and teaching, and is responsible for class inspections and teaching supervision.


     1.  全部毕业于学前教育本科的高等院校。

    All our teachers are graduates from institutions, focused on preschool education.

     2.  教师持有国家幼儿园教师资格证并在教委备案方可上岗。

    Teachers hold national preschool teacher qualification certificates.

     3.  英文4级及以上,具有国际幼儿园四年及以上的经验。

    Our teachers have a CET-4 and above, with experience in international preschools for 4 years ore more.

     4.  除幼教专业基础外,具有舞蹈、钢琴、书法、美术等自身特长。

    In addition to the foundation of preschool education, they also need to have their own specialities such as dance, piano, calligraphy and arts.



    Full-day foreign teacher immersion with dual mother tongue courses.


    Chinese multidimensional curriculum.


    Personalized characteristic teaching course.


    Social Experience Course.


    1.   整个园区室内新风除雾霾系统覆盖,给幼儿最好的呵护。

    Fresh air is circulated indoors through our entire campus, providing the best care for young children.

      2.   班级安装直饮水系统,让幼儿享受健康水源的滋养。

    Water purification systems are installed in all of our classes, so that children enjoy healthy water nourishment.

      3.   情景教学和电子互动白板结合,更符合幼儿的认知发展。

    The combination of interactive teaching and our electronic interactive whiteboards is more in line with children’s cognitive development.

      4.   多功能厅超大的多媒体电子舞台,展现幼儿的自信和魅力。

    Our multi-functional auditorium includes a super multimedia electronic stage to showcase children's self-confidence and charm.

      5.   全天360度无死角的视频监控,家园携手保护幼儿。

    All-day 360-degree video surveillance with no blind spots, ensure that parents and the school are working together to protect the children.  


     1. 幼儿食品食材均由大型正规超市供应公司采购。

    We have a formal agreement with a supermarket supply company providing us with infant food ingredients.

    2. 独立的幼儿食堂,我们坚决杜绝外购半成品、熟食及加工冷菜。

    We have independent child canteens, and we resolutely put an end to the purchasing of semi-finished products, cooked foods and processed cold dishes.

    3. 专业级中西餐厨师、合理的膳食安排,满足幼儿的味蕾和身体所需。

    Professional Chinese and western chefs, reasonable meal arrangements which satisfies children's taste buds and body requirements.

    九华校区 开园钜惠

    力迈中美(国际)幼儿园 九华山庄园将在各位家长朋友的期待中盛大开园。为了感谢长久以来各位家长对我们力迈中美教育集团的支持和信任,九华山庄园现推出大幅优惠活动,优惠名额有限,先到先得!欢迎各位家长朋友来电咨询!

    LiMai Chinese American (International) Preschool JiuHua Campus will be opened in the hope of parents and friends. In order to thank the parents for their long-term support and confidence in our LiMai Chinese American Education Group, Jiuhua Campus has launched a substantial discount event with limited availability and on a first-come-first-served basis. Parents and friends are welcome to inquire!

    学做独特而唯一的自己 以爱开启无限潜能

    Learn To Be Unique And Explore Infinite Potential With Love.


    Recruitment target: 2-6 years old student-age children


    Recruitment class: K1-K4 classes


    Address of the Park: District 12,Jiuhua Campus , No. 75, Shunsha Road, Changping District, Beijing


    Official website:www.lmzmjy.com



    招生热线:13051910585 (同微信) 

    Admissions hotline: 13051910585




          本文标题:力迈中美(国际)教育 | 九华山庄幼儿园,开园钜惠,学位抢定正式
