

作者: 克克克阿 | 来源:发表于2021-12-14 23:15 被阅读0次

In my opinion, passion never comes suddenly to you; rather you secure it in the exploration. My undergraduate study is, in fact, acourageousattempt to uncover my passion. Since I always liked delving into the nature of electrical adgets―for example, I once disassembled a pair of earphones to investigate how exactly the electric current in the wire loop could cause the magnet to push the air so as to make sounds―I chose the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering as my starting point. I knew that passion can evolve from genuine curiosity and it requires real engagement to develop, so from this undergraduate course I got a real opportunity to exploremypotential.

My personal experiences have led me tomy area of enthusiasm. During my internship in 2020, I helped to design a monitoring system that elevated power utility rates by 81%. I was startled at how important an effective power system was to an electrical project. During my third-year project, I successfully designed an auxiliary power system deriving energy transferred from a hand-powered spinning fan, whichdeepened my understanding of power systems. Not only didthis project inspire me to be more aware of energy conservation, but also mademe feel more and more resonant with electrical power-based technology. After I graduated, I visited an exhibition aboutelectric cars and was amazed at their power systems. I thoroughly researched the power system of Tesla’s electric cars, learning that the power system integrated an ingenious cooling system with 7,000 small battery cells―I was beyondimpressed.

It is after these experiences that the seed of specialising in electrical power engineering ultimately started to germinate in my mind.It is a genuine and responsible decision to plan to advance to a master’sdegree that will equip me with advanced knowledge in electrical power technologies.

Doing my masters at Warwick is a very appealing choice. It is undoubtedly a renowned and leading university that has been recognised across the globe. In addition to this undisputable fame, another reason for choosing Warwick is that the course covers all necessary modules I want to study. The modules ‘Advanced Power Electronic Converters and Devices’ and ‘Operation and Control of Power Systems’ provide essential knowledge regardingeffective power system design that deals with the pressing issue: how tomaximise the utility rate of power and minimise the waste during transfer ofenergy. The optional modules are important as well. For example, ‘Batteries andFuel Cells’ and ‘Renewable Energy’ are in accordance with my personalexperiences and preferences.

There are many qualities of mine that are well prepared for me to take the master’s course. One such critical component is my undergraduate course. This has provided me with all essential electrical knowledge that isfoundational to the postgraduate course, such as the modules ‘Engineering Mathematics’ and ‘Electrical Engineering’. Additionally, as I have lived in the UK for five years with a full study experience in the University of Leicester, I am completely accustomed to the pedagogical style of UK universities as well as the culture and lifestyle in Britain. Three years of full-time study in my undergraduate degreehas primed me with necessary independent and group-based study skills that willenable me to navigate my master’s degree.

My work experiences will also make a great contribution to my academic achievement. One contribution is that these experiences have boosted my communication skills. For example, in my current position I played a very crucial role as a cross-department communicator, reporting to my supervisor and corresponding back-end and front-end programmers according to the relevanceof identified software problems. This has significantly enhanced my communication skills, which are conducive to all group work in my master’s. Another contribution will be my improved competence in self-study, the key towhich is time management and self-discipline. I havedeveloped a habit of everyday planning and disciplined execution thanks to therole model of my supervisor. The aforementioned skills can further prove myability in completing my master’s degree.

Furthermore, I have very proficient self-learning ability and high creativity. During my undergraduate study, I learned Python and MySQL from scratch, and applied my coding skills to real-life problems. One noteworthy achievement is my Social Distance Detector System that won an excellence award from my university’s Innovation Programme. This software background, besides being a good support for my master’s course, truly demonstrates my potential forlearning.

My long-term goal is to contribute to a cutting-edge technological company in electrical power engineering as a core member. Such an important role requires systematic research skills and this master’s course can effectively hone my research skills to a professional level. That aside, this course can supply me with sufficient field knowledge and compelling qualifications to be a qualified electrical power engineer. Besides the above benefits, this course can also broaden my knowledge regarding renewable energy utilisation. Asanenergy-conscious person, I am very pleasedthat I can play a part in reversing the current unclean-energy-dominant powerproduction trend in the foreseeable future.



