

作者: 糖果_abc7 | 来源:发表于2018-09-25 19:41 被阅读0次


1. 就因为这说他冒充行家是不对的

But it would be wrong to dismiss him as a charlaton for this reason alone.

2. 坐月子期间不洗头洗澡是不对的

But it would be wrong to avoid showering and washing hair in postnatal care for this reason alone.


It is typical of teenagers to be impetuous and make lousy choices at times. But it would be wrong to deny them the right to make big decisions for themselves for this reason alone. Even competent adults make awful decisions no matter how well they are counselled, as bankruptcies after stock tumbling testify. Teenagers should be allowed to make game-changing decisions: what major they would like to choose, which city they are inclined to stay in. Instead of meddling in and making decisions that run counter to their children's wish, parents should learn to listen and respect their own choices.


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