问答《被剥皮的玛息阿》Q&A for “The Flaying

问答《被剥皮的玛息阿》Q&A for “The Flaying

作者: NICOLA熠林 | 来源:发表于2020-02-07 22:33 被阅读0次


    This is the 3rd biligual Q&A by Nicola the Editor for Renaissance artworks, the 4th ever published.


    About Titian: the most important artist of Venetian School in later Renaissance


    About"The Flaying of Marsyas": victim of a murder and mob malice in dark mannerism

    《阿波罗活剥玛息阿》 | Apollo Flaying Marsyas

    《被剥皮的玛息阿》| The Flaying of Marsyas

    提香(Titian), c. 1570-1576

    布面油画(oil on canvas), 212 x 207cm

    捷克克洛梅兹国家博物馆(State Museum, Kromeriz) 藏


    Q: A victim hung upside down waiting to be flayed. Such a bloody atrocious scene!


    A: Such a scene can be witnessed not only in human battles such as the Nanjing Massacre, but also the process of humans getting furs from animal.


    Q: Isn't art for beauty?


    A: Art is used to take record of what happen in the human world, to remind and to bring reflection.

            提香晚年的这幅212 x 207cm的大幅作品,残忍血腥的场面震撼而冲击,这很可能是一幅有争议的未完成之作。艺术家狂放的笔触和明暗之间缺乏过渡的色彩,凌乱不堪的背景、黑暗压抑的色调,让人几乎认不出当初提香画《圣母升天》以及他巅峰时期的光明、温暖、整齐、优雅生香。画面传递的信息与彼时提香心中的某种阴暗情感相关。提香一生去过普鲁士地区五次(大多受神圣罗马帝国最后一位皇帝查理五世之邀),晚年受样式主义影响,加上丧妻丧子的抑郁,晚年的画作偏向黑暗压抑。

    This mannerism work is painted in Titian's late years, after he lost his wife and son. And this one can be a diputable and uncompleted work attributed to Titian. The dark, depressive tone is hardly recognizable as a typical Titian style if compared to his "Assumption of the Virgin" painted in his early career (1516-1518), his early and prime works showing bright warmth, clearness and elegance that create comfortable ambience. What the painting conveys is closely connected with something dark and bleak in Titian at that time. Titian had been to the Prussias for 5 times (mostly invited by Charles V, the last emperor of the Holy Roman Empire) in his life, and was substantially influenced by mannerism in his late years, eps. with the death of his wife and son.



    In Q&A 1, I mentioned about the inglorious anecdote of Appollo and his 9 Muses sisters. It is the mythological story for this artwork.


    Appollo is the god for music, poetry and dance, and he (a petty) proposes to Marsyas, whom claims himself (a bragger) to be the top flutist, a music contest between Appolo's harp and Marsyas' flute. The winner of the contest can punish the looser in any way he likes (a trap). The referees? The 9 Muses, Appollo's 9 half-sisters, oh, and his subordinates too in the Olympic god hierachy (a conspiracy). The result iiis~



    The following Baroque artwork of 1637 by Jusepe de Ribera is brighter than Titian's mannerist one. However, this one conveys no less pain, intensity and fear with Appollo's suppressing gesture, Marsyas red muscles under the cut open skin and his extremly painful face.

    《阿波罗活剥玛息阿》 | Apollo Flaying Marsyas

    《阿波罗活剥玛息阿》 | Apollo Flaying Marsyas

    朱赛沛·德·里贝拉(Jusepe de RIBERA),1637

    布面油画(Oil on canvas), 202 x 255 cm

    比利时布鲁塞尔皇家美术馆(Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels)藏


    The less robed body (in a youngster form rathan a matured male one), the laurel crown on his head and a knife mark Appolo out. His victim takes the central part of the painting.

    阿波罗以少年的形象出现 | A Teenager Appollo here


    群体之恶意 | Mob Malice

    The red blood is obcured by the dark brown tone, yet it is no less depressive and crule with the q presence of the accomplices and the indifferent witness of the crime: the one (could be one of the Muses) playing violin to celebrate at the left, the grotesque Satyr (ghastly different from those in Botticelli's "Venus and Mars") taking a bucket for the cut-off skin of Marsyas, and the indifferent god with crown and regal robe appreciating the flaying. Do not forget the little dog licking Marsyas' blood on the ground.


    The mighty power of gods suppressing a helpless victim can be the analogy of invasion to Venice by other states or by the black death, or just Titian's expression on the inglorious suppression on the weaks. This will need further research to verify.


    Q: Quite upsetting and horrifying. It's a mob malice. The gods in ancient Greek mythology are mortally genuine.


    A: Think about the Heavenly Emperor Yudi in China's mythology, who is always a good model husband and son, compared with Zeus and his wife, Hera, who is always busy with handling throngs of mistresses and their sons with her husband. It's quite interesting to compare the eastern and western cultures. The author of "Journey to the West" depicts many twisting stories with similar endings for the monsters and goblins within a conventional cultural system of modelling. Maybe I should read S. Huntington's "The Clash of Civilizations" before talking further to understand better.


    Q: Gods in both the east and west have their practices. And humans cast their worlds into gods' practices. All mortals have both bright and dark sides, aren't they?


    A: Indeed. Beyond pure representation, a painting shall convey some artist thought, culture or civilization to survive through times. This Titian work is a rich cultural piece. Well, BTW, I want tohardsell my book "The Elegance in Colours and Lines: Botticelli's Masterpieces".Please click "https://read.douban.com/ebook/129388435/" (in CN only). No App download needed. Critics after reading is much welcome.

    参考书目 / Bibliography

    《西方艺术事典》,(英)詹姆斯·霍尔 著,迟轲 译。南京,江苏教育出版社,2005.4(Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art, by James Hall)



          本文标题:问答《被剥皮的玛息阿》Q&A for “The Flaying
