

作者: 克超 | 来源:发表于2016-03-14 17:29 被阅读0次



The CR-V Goes Camping

The2015 Honda CR-V recently went camping with copy editor Jesse Bishop, who returned impressed by the spacious two-row crossover’s adaptive cruise control/lane departure prevention assist combination but had a few reservations about the CUV overall. Keep reading for his perspective on the long-term CR-V.




我们长期测试车2015款本田CR-V最近被我们的文字编辑Jesse Bishop带去野营了。他说对这辆两厢的跨界车印象深刻,包括自适应巡航 、车道偏离辅助系统以及预防辅助系统等功能。但是对于这台CUV(跨界综合车)整体还有些保留意见,继续阅读看看他在这辆CR-V的长测中的观点吧。


Cargo volume was more than sufficient. It fit all we needed (and plenty we didn’t) for a four-day camping trip, and my dog still had the entire back seat to herself. Which was great … until we got into those mountain roads. I can’t really blame the CR-V—it was more that I decided to pretend I was Randy Pobst driving up the mountain. The dog got a bit sick (the first time she ever had a problem in a car), and my girlfriend got a bit concerned (not the first time I’ve made her grab for something to hold going around a corner). Thankfully, double blankets avoided a mess from the dog. Even though the dog didn’t love how the CR-V handled curvy mountain roads and a 6,000-foot elevation climb, I thought it did pretty well. It’s certainly no sports car in those corners, but it never felt like it was laboring.



没人会嫌载货量太多的。如果要做一个4天的野营的话,他能给你足够的甚至更多的空间。而我的狗还有整个后座可以坐。这个感觉棒棒的,直到我们开进了山路。其实要说也不能全怪这辆CR-V,主要是怪我自己假装我是Randy Pobst(译者注:著名赛车手)在开车上山。结果我的狗似乎有点晕车(这是她第一次有晕车的感觉)然后我的女朋友有点害怕(这不是第一次我让她在过弯的时候想要抓着点什么了)值得庆幸的是,两条摊子没有被我的狗弄脏(译者注:看样子狗是吐了,这个编辑玩心有点重啊,简直丧心病狂)尽管如此,我觉得我的狗不是很喜欢这辆CR-V在弯曲的山路上的表现以及差不多6000英尺的爬坡。我觉得整体的表现还是不错的,它确实不是一个擅长驾驭弯道的运动型的轿车,但是他在弯道时的表现也没有声嘶力竭到让人觉得不安。


I could say the same about a similar trip in my girlfriend’s 2008 CR-V, though. Almost everything about our current long-term CR-V seemed familiar, aside from the newer technology. It looks like the old one. Feels like it. Drives like it. What Ron Kiino wrote in a December 2008 update on a 2007 CR-V still seems to apply to our current CR-V: “I was a bit worried that a full load of people and gear would overburden the CR-V … but I was proven wrong. Even trudging up … an elevation gain of over 3,700 feet, the CR-V … had minimal trouble conquering the ascent.” It feels like it might struggle, but it never really does.


过去,我曾经开着我女朋友的那台2008款的CR-V,也有类似的一次旅行。尽管,我们这台长期测试的CR-V上几乎所有东西都让我觉得似曾相识。当然,除了那先新的科技配件。它不论看起来、摸起来还是开起来都像旧款。Ron Kiino曾经在2008年12月写过一篇有关2007款CR-V的评测,我感觉这篇08年的测评几乎都可以直接拿来给我们现款的CR-V用。“我有一点点担心坐满了人的CR-V齿轮可能会负载过重,但是事实证明,我错了。甚至跋涉在超过3700英尺的路面上,这台CR-V在征服爬坡上几乎没有遇到什么问题。”感觉上他好像要拼尽全力要到极限了,但是事实上还远远没有。


We also took it up some unpaved roads—just dirt and boulders. No surprise, the CR-V handled them well. It’s debatable how noteworthy this off-road venture was, though; when we got to the end, we saw a Jetta parked on the side of the road.




One thing I don’t like about the CR-V (and didn’t like on our long-term Honda Fit when I drove that) is how the screen switches to the LaneWatch system’s rearview camera mounted on the passenger side-view mirror when you turn on the right blinker. I get the idea. It shows a better view of your blind spot. But after years of driving without that, I found it a bit disconcerting to go to check my blind spot before switching lanes and there’s this other moving picture distracting me. Maybe you get used to it eventually (and the feature can be turned off), but I mostly found it an unnecessary distraction, an example of technology solving problems that aren’t really problems for most people in most cars.




(Editor’s Note from Zach Gale:To each his own—I’ve become accustomed to the feature and will miss it once my time is up with the CR-V.) A simple beep or vibration to alert the driver of something in the way might better complement the traditional glance at the mirror and over the shoulder.


(来自Zach Gale的编辑留言:萝卜青菜各有所爱,我已经习惯了这辆车的特点而且我会怀念这段与CR-V在一起的时间)一些简单的滴滴声或者震动用来提醒司机路面上的变化比起传统的谨小慎微的瞥一眼镜子要有效的多。


I do, however, like that you can turn the LaneWatch camera on and leave it on. It was kind of cool (but not altogether helpful considering it looks backward and only on one side) to use that while driving the Jetta-friendly trails. Had the terrain been rougher and had there been a camera on both sides, I could see it being a slight help in judging wheel placement. Considering the CR-V is no Jeep, the few who do go off-road in it are probably novices, so if they ever get into something a bit more tricky, any extra visibility would be nice.




One last thing I liked/didn’t like: the seats. Heated seats are relatively new for me, and I find myself using them regardless of the temperature. That plus the adjustable lumbar support made my lower back happy. Not exactly a Rolls-Royce massaging feature, but it was nice nonetheless, among the better heated seats I’ve experienced. I’m not a big fan of the CR-V’s seats other than that, though (and likewise for those in my girlfriend’s 2008). I’ve always found it difficult to find a comfortable driving position in CR-Vs. Seems like once I find a position that works for my legs, I can’t quite reach the wheel like I want or visibility is less than ideal. The seat position baffles me every time I step inside a CR-V, and I have never quite been able to figure out why.






