

作者: 不到7不改名 | 来源:发表于2021-02-21 22:17 被阅读0次


    • 教师节就要来了,我借这次机会向给了我帮助的老师表示真心的感谢。
      • Teacher's Day approaching, I express my sincere appreciation to teachers who have given me assistance by the chance.
    • 生命很短暂这个事实,已经被人们普遍的接受了。
      • The truth has been accepted by the mass that life becomes so short that every day should be valued.
    • 上课不集中精力而又希望通过考试的学生发现结果往往不令人满意。
      • Students who fail to concentrate in class but wish pass examinations perceive that the consequence proves less impressive.
    • 为了实现我的梦想,我一直在思考该不该和我的男朋友分手。
      • I, in order to realize my dream, am considering whether I should depart with my boyfriend.
    • 在有学校的地方,司机应该缓行。
      • Where there exists a school, drivers should go slowly.



    It is ...that...

    • 昨天在街上遇到了我的旧情人
      • I met my old flame in the street yesterday. dream boat(梦中情人)
        • It was I that met my old flame in the street yesterday.(强调I)
        • It was yesterday that I met my old flame in the street.(强调yesterday)
        • It was my old flame that I met in the street yesterday. (强调my old flame)


    • 为了实现梦想,我正在思考该不该和男朋友分手。
      • I, in order to realize my dream, am considering whether I should depart with my boyfriend.
        • It is to realize my dream that I am considering whether I should depart with my boyfriend.
    • 有很多的原因可以解释这种现象
      • There remain abundant elements to account for the issue.
        • It is there that remain abundant elements to account for the issue.
        • It is abundant elements that there remain to account for the issue.


    • 你至今没有意识到就是因为交友不慎,你才没有考上心目中理想的大学。
      • So far, you have never realized that because you have unfavorable friends, you failed to go to your dream university.
    • But it is the arrival of new satellite channels--funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers' subscriptions--that will bring about the biggest changes in the long term.
    • Perhaps it is humankind's long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the idea of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascinating.



    Do you like me?

    Have you ever been to Europe?

    Is your farther a teacher?


    • 否定词放在句首用倒装

      • I can hardly speak Japanese.
        • Hardly can I speak Japanese.
      • Playing phones not only influenes the physical and mental health of youngsters but also wastes their precious time.
        • Not only does Playing phones influenes the physical and mental health of youngsters but also wastes their precious time.
    • so, nor / neither位于句首,表明承前句子的肯定或否定时用倒装

      • I can cook.
        • So can I.
      • I can not cook
        • Nor can I.
    • 含有so...that...结构的句子将so引导的部分置于句首用倒装

      • I feel so rejoiced that I lose my sleep for the whole night.
        • So I rejoiced do I feel that I lose my sleep for the whole night.
    • only引出的状语从句位于句首时用倒装

      • His girlfriend called his name only once.
        • Only once did his girlfriend call his name.
      • Only When romance comes, I will hold his hands.
      • Only through adopting these actions can the issue be handled.
    • as引导让步状语从句,从句的表语可以放在句首构成倒装(前面已经讲过了)

    • 省略if的虚拟语气用倒装




    Not only can cultural exchange promote economic advance, but also make our eyesight broad.


    I am so exhausted that I hava no energy throught.

    • So exhausted am I that I hava no energy throught.


    • Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed and perhaps never beofre has it served so much to connect difficult peoples and nation as is the recent events in Europe.
    • Only gradually was the by-pruduct of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution.
    • For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underpriviledged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.



