2022-06-07 周二 英文记录

2022-06-07 周二 英文记录

作者: 狼牙雪豹 | 来源:发表于2022-06-07 22:45 被阅读0次

Hi, friend, you are the one I said was my friend. Thanks a lot.

Today I finally got up early at 6.00 because my son waked at that time so that I couldn't sleep.
As a result of the early time, I went to office early and learned my managing money lessones. It was a good start.

Unforturnately, yesterday I broken my git tool in Pycharm IDE. And I tried several ways to fix it but failed. I only remembered that I added the changed files into git cache places using the command git add in the IDE.
Afterwards, I can't add any files into git cache. Once I clicked git add, the colored files would be white without seeing any changes.
I searched all .gitignore files in my computer. There was no one related about it. After that, I also checked the git/info/exclude diretory under the git project. There was nothing.
In the morning, I left a message for you, my new friend, to seek for help.

The two days, this problem has encountered my work progress. I have nothing to do it.

In the afternoon, I felt sick in my foot thumb. I will see a docter this Saterday morning and I have make a reservation.

Gook luck !


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      本文标题:2022-06-07 周二 英文记录
