The Office-S05E02

The Office-S05E02

作者: carrie_yu | 来源:发表于2020-06-30 06:09 被阅读0次

goatee 山羊胡子

wrong someone

Do (someone) wrong is - to treat (someone) badly or unfairly. 

'You'll be sorry', they are threatening you or warning you and suggesting that something unpleasant will happen to you because of your actions. If I run away he'll be sorry. Get back in there, or you'll be sorry.

slack 懈怠

sabotage: 1. 破坏 2. 怠工

liposuction 吸脂

You will be responsible for your own medical bills.

catch up: To talk with someone you have not seen in a while(叙叙旧); to do the work that one should have done; to move faster in order to reach someone who is moving the same direction. 

see you around: spokenused for saying goodbye to someone when you are not sure when you will meet them again.

I was way out of line. 我做的太过了

I want to make it up to you: to do something good for someone you have upset, in order to become friends with them again: I'm sorry we can't take you with us, but I promise I'll make it up to you somehow. Making & accepting apologies.

surefire: certain to succeed.

split the commission

condone 宽容

sumo 相扑

klump: (derogatory) a person who is perceived to obstruct, person who is in the way.

Michael Klump is one of the many alter egos(另一个自我) that Michael Scott created. He uses it to make fun/"celebrate" fat people. Michael Klump's catch phrase is "I say, I say, I say, I'll sit on you!"

vamping: In music, vamping is the repeated use of a phrase through an entire song or the improvisation on top of a repeated phrase through a song. Looping, samples and grooves are all examples of vamping, as is almost all popular music with repeated chord progressions. It is not a negative attribute, but implies building on top of a groove to create a song.

vamping: blatantly set out to attract. "she had not vamped him like some wicked Jezebel"


ruse: an action intended to deceive someone; a trick.

jug 瓶

ulcer 溃疡

patter: 1. 胡言乱语 2. 滴答地响(rain)

tee-ball: a game for young children, played by the rules of baseball, in which the ball is not pitched but hit from a stationary tee.

karate 空手道

tournament 比赛

I.M.: instant message

loco 疯子

zip-lining 类似吊索的一种东西

harness 马具,套索

strap: 1. (n.) 背带,皮带,表带 2. (v.) fasten or secure in a specified place or position with a strap or seat belt.


  • The Office-S05E02

    goatee山羊胡子 wrong someone Do (someone) wrongis - to treat ...


      本文标题:The Office-S05E02
