美文网首页《Pandas 1.x Cookbook·第二版》
《Pandas 1.x Cookbook · 第二版》第03章

《Pandas 1.x Cookbook · 第二版》第03章

作者: SeanCheney | 来源:发表于2021-02-06 21:41 被阅读0次

    第01章 Pandas基础
    第02章 DataFrame基础运算
    第03章 创建和持久化DataFrame
    第04章 开始数据分析
    第05章 探索性数据分析
    第06章 选取数据子集
    第07章 过滤行
    第08章 索引对齐

    3.1 创建DataFrame


    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> fname = ["Paul", "John", "Richard", "George"]
    >>> lname = ["McCartney", "Lennon", "Starkey", "Harrison"]
    >>> birth = [1942, 1940, 1940, 1943]


    >>> people = {"first": fname, "last": lname, "birth": birth}


    >>> beatles = pd.DataFrame(people)
    >>> beatles
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943



    >>> beatles.index
    RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1)


    >>> pd.DataFrame(people, index=["a", "b", "c", "d"])
         first       last  birth
    a     Paul  McCartney   1942
    b     John     Lennon   1940
    c  Richard    Starkey   1940
    d   George   Harrison   1943



    >>> pd.DataFrame(
    ...     [
    ...         {
    ...             "first": "Paul",
    ...             "last": "McCartney",
    ...             "birth": 1942,
    ...         },
    ...         {
    ...             "first": "John",
    ...             "last": "Lennon",
    ...             "birth": 1940,
    ...         },
    ...         {
    ...             "first": "Richard",
    ...             "last": "Starkey",
    ...             "birth": 1940,
    ...         },
    ...         {
    ...             "first": "George",
    ...             "last": "Harrison",
    ...             "birth": 1943,
    ...         },
    ...     ]
    ... )
       birth    first       last
    0   1942     Paul  McCartney
    1   1940     John     Lennon
    2   1940  Richard    Starkey
    3   1943   George   Harrison


    >>> pd.DataFrame(
    ...     [
    ...         {
    ...             "first": "Paul",
    ...             "last": "McCartney",
    ...             "birth": 1942,
    ...         },
    ...         {
    ...             "first": "John",
    ...             "last": "Lennon",
    ...             "birth": 1940,
    ...         },
    ...         {
    ...             "first": "Richard",
    ...             "last": "Starkey",
    ...             "birth": 1940,
    ...         },
    ...         {
    ...             "first": "George",
    ...             "last": "Harrison",
    ...             "birth": 1943,
    ...         },
    ...     ],
    ...     columns=["last", "first", "birth"],
    ... )
            last    first  birth
    0  McCartney     Paul   1942
    1     Lennon     John   1940
    2    Starkey  Richard   1940
    3   Harrison   George   1943

    3.2 写入CSV



    >>> beatles
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943
    >>> from io import StringIO
    >>> fout = StringIO()
    >>> beatles.to_csv(fout)  # 使用文件名


    >>> print(fout.getvalue())


    如果读取刚刚保存的CSV,会读入列名为Unnamed: 0的冗余列:

    >>> _ = fout.seek(0)
    >>> pd.read_csv(fout)
       Unnamed: 0    first       last  birth
    0           0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1           1     John     Lennon   1940
    2           2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3           3   George   Harrison   1943


    >>> _ = fout.seek(0)
    >>> pd.read_csv(fout, index_col=0)
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943


    >>> fout = StringIO()
    >>> beatles.to_csv(fout, index=False)
    >>> print(fout.getvalue())

    3.3 读取大CSV文件



    >>> diamonds = pd.read_csv("data/diamonds.csv", nrows=1000)
    >>> diamonds
         carat      cut color clarity  ...  price     x     y     z
    0     0.23    Ideal     E     SI2  ...    326  3.95  3.98  2.43
    1     0.21  Premium     E     SI1  ...    326  3.89  3.84  2.31
    2     0.23     Good     E     VS1  ...    327  4.05  4.07  2.31
    3     0.29  Premium     I     VS2  ...    334  4.20  4.23  2.63
    4     0.31     Good     J     SI2  ...    335  4.34  4.35  2.75
    ..     ...      ...   ...     ...  ...    ...   ...   ...   ...
    995   0.54    Ideal     D    VVS2  ...   2897  5.30  5.34  3.26
    996   0.72    Ideal     E     SI1  ...   2897  5.69  5.74  3.57
    997   0.72     Good     F     VS1  ...   2897  5.82  5.89  3.48
    998   0.74  Premium     D     VS2  ...   2897  5.81  5.77  3.58
    999   1.12  Premium     J     SI2  ...   2898  6.68  6.61  4.03


    >>> diamonds.info()
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
    Data columns (total 10 columns):
    carat      1000 non-null float64
    cut        1000 non-null object
    color      1000 non-null object
    clarity    1000 non-null object
    depth      1000 non-null float64
    table      1000 non-null float64
    price      1000 non-null int64
    x          1000 non-null float64
    y          1000 non-null float64
    z          1000 non-null float64
    dtypes: float64(6), int64(1), object(3)
    memory usage: 78.2+ KB



    >>> diamonds2 = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/diamonds.csv",
    ...     nrows=1000,
    ...     dtype={
    ...         "carat": np.float32,
    ...         "depth": np.float32,
    ...         "table": np.float32,
    ...         "x": np.float32,
    ...         "y": np.float32,
    ...         "z": np.float32,
    ...         "price": np.int16,
    ...     },
    ... )
    >>> diamonds2.info()
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
    Data columns (total 10 columns):
    carat      1000 non-null float32
    cut        1000 non-null object
    color      1000 non-null object
    clarity    1000 non-null object
    depth      1000 non-null float32
    table      1000 non-null float32
    price      1000 non-null int16
    x          1000 non-null float32
    y          1000 non-null float32
    z          1000 non-null float32
    dtypes: float32(6), int16(1), object(3)
    memory usage: 49.0+ KB


    >>> diamonds.describe()
                 carat        depth  ...            y            z
    count  1000.000000  1000.000000  ...  1000.000000  1000.000000
    mean      0.689280    61.722800  ...     5.599180     3.457530
    std       0.195291     1.758879  ...     0.611974     0.389819
    min       0.200000    53.000000  ...     3.750000     2.270000
    25%       0.700000    60.900000  ...     5.630000     3.450000
    50%       0.710000    61.800000  ...     5.760000     3.550000
    75%       0.790000    62.600000  ...     5.910000     3.640000
    max       1.270000    69.500000  ...     7.050000     4.330000
    >>> diamonds2.describe()
                 carat        depth  ...            y            z
    count  1000.000000  1000.000000  ...  1000.000000  1000.000000
    mean      0.689453    61.718750  ...     5.601562     3.457031
    std       0.195312     1.759766  ...     0.611816     0.389648
    min       0.199951    53.000000  ...     3.750000     2.269531
    25%       0.700195    60.906250  ...     5.628906     3.449219
    50%       0.709961    61.812500  ...     5.761719     3.550781
    75%       0.790039    62.593750  ...     5.910156     3.640625
    max       1.269531    69.500000  ...     7.050781     4.328125



    >>> diamonds2.cut.value_counts(
    Ideal       333
    Premium     290
    Very Good   226
    Good         89
    Fair         62
    Name: cut, dtype: int64
    >>> diamonds2.color.value_counts()
    E    240
    F    226
    G    139
    D    129
    H    125
    I     95
    J     46
    Name: color, dtype: int64
    >>> diamonds2.clarity.value_counts()
    SI1     306
    VS2     218
    VS1     159
    SI2     154
    VVS2     62
    VVS1     58
    I1       29
    IF       14
    Name: clarity, dtype: int64


    >>> diamonds3 = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/diamonds.csv",
    ...     nrows=1000,
    ...      dtype={
    ...        "carat": np.float32,
    ...         "depth": np.float32,
    ...         "table": np.float32,
    ...         "x": np.float32,
    ...         "y": np.float32,
    ...         "z": np.float32,
    ...         "price": np.int16,
    ...         "cut": "category",
    ...         "color": "category",
    ...         "clarity": "category",
    ...     },
    ... )
    >>> diamonds3.info()
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
    Data columns (total 10 columns):
    carat      1000 non-null float32
    cut        1000 non-null category
    color      1000 non-null category
    clarity    1000 non-null category
    depth      1000 non-null float32
    table      1000 non-null float32
    price      1000 non-null int16
    x          1000 non-null float32
    y          1000 non-null float32
    z          1000 non-null float32
    dtypes: category(3), float32(6), int16(1)
    memory usage: 29.4 KB


    >>> cols = [
    ...     "carat",
    ...     "cut",
    ...     "color",
    ...     "clarity",
    ...     "depth",
    ...     "table",
    ...     "price",
    ... ]
    >>> diamonds4 = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/diamonds.csv",
    ...     nrows=1000,
    ...     dtype={
    ...         "carat": np.float32,
    ...        "depth": np.float32,
    ...         "table": np.float32,
    ...         "price": np.int16,
    ...         "cut": "category",
    ...         "color": "category",
    ...         "clarity": "category",
    ...     },
    ...     usecols=cols,
    ... )
    >>> diamonds4.info()
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
    Data columns (total 7 columns):
    carat      1000 non-null float32
    cut        1000 non-null category
    color      1000 non-null category
    clarity    1000 non-null category
    depth      1000 non-null float32
    table      1000 non-null float32
    price      1000 non-null int16
    dtypes: category(3), float32(3), int16(1)
    memory usage: 17.7 KB



    >>> cols = [
    ...     "carat",
    ...     "cut",
    ...     "color",
    ...     "clarity",
    ...     "depth",
    ...     "table",
    ...     "price",
    ... ]
    >>> diamonds_iter = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/diamonds.csv",
    ...     nrows=1000,
    ...     dtype={
    ...         "carat": np.float32,
    ...         "depth": np.float32,
    ...         "table": np.float32,
    ...         "price": np.int16,
    ...         "cut": "category",
    ...         "color": "category",
    ...         "clarity": "category",
    ...     },
    ...     usecols=cols,
    ...     chunksize=200,
    ... )
    >>> def process(df):
    ...     return f"processed {df.size} items"
    >>> for chunk in diamonds_iter:
    ...     process(chunk)





    >>> np.iinfo(np.int8)
    iinfo(min=-128, max=127, dtype=int8)


    >>> np.finfo(np.float16)
    finfo(resolution=0.001, min=-6.55040e+04,
          max=6.55040e+04, dtype=float16)


    >>> diamonds.price.memory_usage()
    >>> diamonds.price.memory_usage(index=False)
    >>> diamonds.cut.memory_usage()
    >>> diamonds.cut.memory_usage(deep=True)


    >>> diamonds4.to_feather("d.arr")
    >>> diamonds5 = pd.read_feather("d.arr")


    >>> diamonds4.to_parquet("/tmp/d.pqt")

    3.4 使用Excel文件



    >>> beatles.to_excel("beat.xls")
    >>> beatles.to_excel("beat.xlsx")


    >>> beat2 = pd.read_excel("/tmp/beat.xls")
    >>> beat2
       Unnamed: 0    first       last  birth
    0           0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1           1     John     Lennon   1940
    2           2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3           3   George   Harrison   1943


    >>> beat2 = pd.read_excel("/tmp/beat.xls", index_col=0)
    >>> beat2
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943


    >>> beat2.dtypes
    first    object
    last     object
    birth     int64
    dtype: object



    >>> xl_writer = pd.ExcelWriter("beat2.xlsx")
    >>> beatles.to_excel(xl_writer, sheet_name="All")
    >>> beatles[beatles.birth < 1941].to_excel(
    ...     xl_writer, sheet_name="1940"
    ... )
    >>> xl_writer.save()


    3.5 使用ZIP文件


    >>> autos = pd.read_csv("data/vehicles.csv.zip")
    >>> autos
           barrels08  barrelsA08  ...  phevHwy  phevComb
    0      15.695714         0.0  ...        0         0
    1      29.964545         0.0  ...        0         0
    2      12.207778         0.0  ...        0         0
    3      29.964545         0.0  ...        0         0
    4      17.347895         0.0  ...        0         0
    ...          ...         ...  ...      ...       ...
    41139  14.982273         0.0  ...        0         0
    41140  14.330870         0.0  ...        0         0
    41141  15.695714         0.0  ...        0         0
    41142  15.695714         0.0  ...        0         0
    41143  18.311667         0.0  ...        0         0
    >>> autos.modifiedOn.dtype


    >>> autos= pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/vehicles.csv.zip", parse_dates=["modifiedOn"]
    ... )
    >>> autos.modifiedOn
    0       2013-01-0...
    1       2013-01-0...
    2       2013-01-0...
    3       2013-01-0...
    4       2013-01-0...
    41139   2013-01-0...
    41140   2013-01-0...
    41141   2013-01-0...
    41142   2013-01-0...
    41143   2013-01-0...
    Name: modifiedOn, Length: 41144, dtype: datetime64[ns, tzlocal()]
    >>> autos.modifiedOn
    0        Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    1        Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    2        Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    3        Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    4        Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    39096    Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    39097    Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    39098    Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    39099    Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    39100    Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    Name: modifiedOn, Length: 39101, dtype: object
    >>> pd.to_datetime(autos.modifiedOn)
    0       2013-01-01
    1       2013-01-01
    2       2013-01-01
    3       2013-01-01
    4       2013-01-01
    39096   2013-01-01
    39097   2013-01-01
    39098   2013-01-01
    39099   2013-01-01
    39100   2013-01-01
    Name: modifiedOn, Length: 39101, dtype: datetime64[ns]


    >>> import zipfile
    >>> with zipfile.ZipFile(
    ...     "data/kaggle-survey-2018.zip"
    ... ) as z:
    ...     print("\n".join(z.namelist()))
    ...     kag = pd.read_csv(
    ...         z.open("multipleChoiceResponses.csv")
    ...     )
    ...     kag_questions = kag.iloc[0]
    ...     survey = kag.iloc[1:]
    >>> survey.head(2).T
    1          2
    Time from...          710        434
    Q1                 Female       Male
    Q1_OTHER_...           -1         -1
    Q2                  45-49      30-34
    Q3            United S...  Indonesia
    ...                   ...        ...
    Q50_Part_5            NaN        NaN
    Q50_Part_6            NaN        NaN
    Q50_Part_7            NaN        NaN
    Q50_Part_8            NaN        NaN
    Q50_OTHER...           -1         -1



    3.6 使用数据库


    >>> import sqlite3
    >>> con = sqlite3.connect("data/beat.db")
    >>> with con:
    ...     cur = con.cursor()
    ...     cur.execute("""DROP TABLE Band""")
    ...     cur.execute(
    ...         """CREATE TABLE Band(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
    ...         fname TEXT, lname TEXT, birthyear INT)"""
    ...     )
    ...     cur.execute(
    ...         """INSERT INTO Band VALUES(
    ...         0, 'Paul', 'McCartney', 1942)"""
    ...     )
    ...     cur.execute(
    ...         """INSERT INTO Band VALUES(
    ...         1, 'John', 'Lennon', 1940)"""
    ...     )
    ...     _ = con.commit()


    >>> import sqlalchemy as sa
    >>> engine = sa.create_engine(
    ...     "sqlite:///data/beat.db", echo=True
    ... )
    >>> sa_connection = engine.connect()
    >>> beat = pd.read_sql(
    ...     "Band", sa_connection, index_col="id"
    ... )
    >>> beat
       fname      lname  birthyear
    0   Paul  McCartney       1942
    1   John     Lennon       1940


    >>> sql = """SELECT fname, birthyear from Band"""
    >>> fnames = pd.read_sql(sql, con)
    >>> fnames
      fname  birthyear
    0  Paul       1942
    1  John       1940

    3.7 读取JSON


    >>> import json
    >>> encoded = json.dumps(people)
    >>> encoded
    '{"first": ["Paul", "John", "Richard", "George"], "last": ["McCartney", "Lennon", "Starkey", "Harrison"], "birth": [1942, 1940, 1940, 1943]}'
    >>> json.loads(encoded)
    {'first': ['Paull', 'John', 'Richard', 'George'], 'last': ['McCartney', 'Lennon', 'Starkey', 'Harrison'], 'birth': [1942, 1940, 1940, 1943]}


    >>> beatles = pd.read_json(encoded)
    >>> beatles
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943


    • columns —— (默认)将列名映射为列中的值的列表;
    • records —— 行的列表。每行是一个字典,一行映射到一个值;
    • split —— columns映射到列名,index映射到行索引值,data映射到每行数据组成的列表;
    • index —— 将索引映射到行,每行是一个列映射到值的字典;
    • values —— 数据行构成的列表(每行也是列表)。不包含列和行索引的值;
    • table —— 将schema映射到DataFrame的纲要,data映射为字典的列表。


    >>> records = beatles.to_json(orient="records")
    >>> records
    >>> pd.read_json(records, orient="records")
       birth    first       last
    0   1942     Paul  McCartney
    1   1940     John     Lennon
    2   1940  Richard    Starkey
    3   1943   George   Harrison
    >>> split = beatles.to_json(orient="split")
    >>> split
    >>> pd.read_json(split, orient="split")
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943
    >>> index = beatles.to_json(orient="index")
    >>> index
    >>> pd.read_json(index, orient="index")
       birth    first       last
    0   1942     Paul  McCartney
    1   1940     John     Lennon
    2   1940  Richard    Starkey
    3   1943   George   Harrison
    >>> values = beatles.to_json(orient="values")
    >>> values
    >>> pd.read_json(values, orient="values")
             0          1     2
    0     Paul  McCartney  1942
    1     John     Lennon  1940
    2  Richard    Starkey  1940
    3   George   Harrison  1943
    >>> (
    ...     pd.read_json(values, orient="values").rename(
    ...         columns=dict(
    ...             enumerate(["first", "last", "birth"])
    ...         )
    ...     )
    ... )
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943
    >>> table = beatles.to_json(orient="table")
    >>> table
    '{"schema": {"fields":[{"name":"index","type":"integer"},{"name":"first","type":"string"},{"name":"last","type":"string"},{"name":"birth","type":"integer"}],"primaryKey":["index"],"pandas_version":"0.20.0"}, "data": [{"index":0,"first":"Paul","last":"McCartney","birth":1942},{"index":1,"first":"John","last":"Lennon","birth":1940},{"index":2,"first":"Richard","last":"Starkey","birth":1940},{"index":3,"first":"George","last":"Harrison","birth":1943}]}'
    >>> pd.read_json(table, orient="table")
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943



    >>> output = beat.to_dict()
    >>> output
    {'fname': {0: 'Paul', 1: 'John'}, 'lname': {0: 'McCartney', 1: 'Lennon'}, 'birthyear': {0: 1942, 1: 1940}}
    >>> output["version"] = "0.4.1"
    >>> json.dumps(output)
    '{"fname": {"0": "Paul", "1": "John"}, "lname": {"0": "McCartney", "1": "Lennon"}, "birthyear": {"0": 1942, "1": 1940}, "version": "0.4.1"}'

    3.8 读取HTML表格


    # 译者注:en.wikipedia.org 需要科学上网
    >>> url = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles_discography'
    >>> dfs = pd.read_html(url)
    >>> len(dfs)


    >>> dfs[0]
      The Beatles discography The Beatles discography.1
    0  The Beat...             The Beat...
    1  Studio a...                      23
    2  Live albums                       5
    3  Compilat...                      53
    4  Video al...                      15
    5  Music vi...                      64
    6          EPs                      21
    7      Singles                      63
    8     Mash-ups                       2
    9     Box sets                      15



    <table class="wikitable plainrowheaders" style="text-align:center;">
      <caption>List of studio albums,<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[A]</a></sup> with selected chart positions and certifications
          <th scope="col" rowspan="2" style="width:20em;">Title
          <th scope="col" rowspan="2" style="width:20em;">Release

    虽然没有属性,但可以使用字符串List of studio albums来匹配,缺失值na_values用"—"表示:

    >>> url = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles_discography
    >>> dfs = pd.read_html(
    ...     url, match="List of studio albums", na_values="—"
    ... )
    >>> len(dfs)
    >>> dfs[0].columns
    Int64Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], dtype='int64')


    >>> url = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles_discography
    >>> dfs = pd.read_html(
    ...     url,
    ...     match="List of studio albums",
    ...     na_values="—",
    ...     header=[0, 1],
    ... )
    >>> len(dfs)
    >>> dfs[0]
              Title      Release  ... Peak chart positions Certifications
              Title      Release  ...             US[8][9] Certifications
    0   Please P...  Released...  ...          NaN          BPI: Gol...
    1   With the...  Released...  ...          NaN          BPI: Gol...
    2   Introduc...  Released...  ...            2          RIAA: Pl...
    3   Meet the...  Released...  ...            1          MC: Plat...
    4   Twist an...  Released...  ...          NaN          MC: 3× P...
    ..          ...          ...  ...          ...                  ...
    22  The Beat...  Released...  ...            1          BPI: 2× ...
    23  Yellow S...  Released...  ...            2          BPI: Gol...
    24   Abbey Road  Released...  ...            1          BPI: 2× ...
    25    Let It Be  Released...  ...            1          BPI: Gol...
    26  "—" deno...  "—" deno...  ...  "—" deno...          "—" deno...
    >>> dfs[0].columns
    MultiIndex(levels=[['Certifications', 'Peak chart positions', 'Release', 'Title'], ['AUS[3]', 'CAN[4]', 'Certifications', 'FRA[5]', 'GER[6]', 'NOR[7]', 'Release', 'Title', 'UK[1][2]', 'US[8][9]']],
      codes=[[3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [7, 6, 8, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 2]])


    >>> df = dfs[0]
    >>> df.columns = [
    ...     "Title",
    ...     "Release",
    ...     "UK",
    ...     "AUS",
    ...     "CAN",
    ...     "FRA",
    ...     "GER",
    ...     "NOR",
    ...     "US",
    ...     "Certifications",
    ... ]
    >>> df
              Title      Release  ...           US Certifications
    0   Please P...  Released...  ...          NaN  BPI: Gol...
    1   With the...  Released...  ...          NaN  BPI: Gol...
    2   Introduc...  Released...  ...            2  RIAA: Pl...
    3   Meet the...  Released...  ...            1  MC: Plat...
    4   Twist an...  Released...  ...          NaN  MC: 3× P...
    ..          ...          ...  ...          ...          ...
    22  The Beat...  Released...  ...            1  BPI: 2× ...
    23  Yellow S...  Released...  ...            2  BPI: Gol...
    24   Abbey Road  Released...  ...            1  BPI: 2× ...
    25    Let It Be  Released...  ...            1  BPI: Gol...
    26  "—" deno...  "—" deno...  ...  "—" deno...  "—" deno...


    <th scope="row" rowspan="2">
      <i><a href="/wiki/A_Hard_Day%27s_Night_(album)" title="A Hard Day's Night (album)">A Hard Day's Night</a></i>
      <img alt="double-dagger" src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f9/Double-dagger-14-plain.png" decoding="async" width="9" height="14" data-file-width="9" data-file-height="14">


    >>> res = (
    ...     df.pipe(
    ...         lambda df_: df_[
    ...             ~df_.Title.str.startswith("Released")
    ...         ]
    ...     )
    ...     .assign(
    ...         release_date=lambda df_: pd.to_datetime(
    ...             df_.Release.str.extract(
    ...                 r"Released: (.*) Label"
    ...             )[0].str.replace(r"\[E\]", "")
    ...         ),
    ...         label=lambda df_: df_.Release.str.extract(
    ...             r"Label: (.*)"
    ...         ),
    ...     )
    ...     .loc[
    ...         :,
    ...         [
    ...             "Title",
    ...             "UK",
    ...             "AUS",
    ...             "CAN",
    ...             "FRA",
    ...             "GER",
    ...             "NOR",
    ...             "US",
    ...             "release_date",
    ...             "label",
    ...         ],
    ...     ]
    ... )
    >>> res
              Title   UK  ... release_date        label
    0   Please P...    1  ...   1963-03-22  Parlopho...
    1   With the...    1  ...   1963-11-22  Parlopho...
    2   Introduc...  NaN  ...   1964-01-10  Vee-Jay ...
    3   Meet the...  NaN  ...   1964-01-20  Capitol ...
    4   Twist an...  NaN  ...   1964-02-03  Capitol ...
    ..          ...  ...  ...          ...          ...
    21  Magical ...   31  ...   1967-11-27  Parlopho...
    22  The Beat...    1  ...   1968-11-22        Apple
    23  Yellow S...    3  ...   1969-01-13  Apple (U...
    24   Abbey Road    1  ...   1969-09-26        Apple
    25    Let It Be    1  ...   1970-05-08        Apple



    >>> url = https://github.com/mattharrison/datasets/blob/master/data/anscombes.csv
    >>> dfs = pd.read_html(url, attrs={"class": "csv-data"})
    >>> len(dfs)
    >>> dfs[0]
        Unnamed: 0 quadrant     x     y
    0          NaN        I  10.0  8.04
    1          NaN        I  14.0  9.96
    2          NaN        I   6.0  7.24
    3          NaN        I   9.0  8.81
    4          NaN        I   4.0  4.26
    ..         ...      ...   ...   ...
    39         NaN       IV   8.0  6.58
    40         NaN       IV   8.0  7.91
    41         NaN       IV   8.0  8.47
    42         NaN       IV   8.0  5.25
    43         NaN       IV   8.0  6.89

    第01章 Pandas基础
    第02章 DataFrame基础运算
    第03章 创建和持久化DataFrame
    第04章 开始数据分析
    第05章 探索性数据分析
    第06章 选取数据子集
    第07章 过滤行
    第08章 索引对齐



        本文标题:《Pandas 1.x Cookbook · 第二版》第03章
