当代艺术发展至今,我们坚信正是时候来探讨并展现中国和亚洲新一代的创意人才对新媒体的诠释!BLAST! 是为热衷于移动影像、动画、卡通、电脑合成视频和交互性项目的艺术家与创意者提供的平台。

项目以公开征集的方式招募作品,每位参与者需递交一个视频或者交互式项目。作品应为最终生成移动影像的16:9的高清版本,主题不限,风格可叙事可抽象。被选出的8件优秀作品将会于2015年9月艺术都市主题盛会期间,分别于chi K11美术馆、上海当代艺术馆艺术亭台和宝马品牌体验中心展出。
甄选团由5位当代艺术与数码艺术领域专家组成:新媒体艺术家aaajiao(徐文恺);Kaleidoscope杂志创始人及主编Alessio Ascari;Flatmind联合创始人Roberto Gianstefani;画家、概念艺术家及理论家Miltos Manetas;以及艺术家杨振中。Arthub创始人、策展人Davide Quadrio乐大豆担任甄选团主席。
BLAST! 为数码一代创建了一个向全世界展示的机会,让世界听到他们的声音!加入我们,加入这场探险!

After many years in contemporary art, we believe it is now time to explore how the new generation of creatives in China and Asia are approaching new media.
BLAST! is a platform for artists, creative people, free minds who love to play with moving images, animation, cartoons, computer-generated videos and interactivity.
It is organized by Art In The City in collaboration with Arthub, Flatmind, K11, MoCA Pavilion and Phoenix Art; and fully supported by LIAN Cultural Development. The project is also supported by International Media Partner Kaleidoscope.

We are asking people to send over to us a video or interactive project. The format is HD in 16:9 with no restriction of subject (narrative or abstract) but resulting in moving images. The best 8 works will be shown at chi K11 art museum, MoCA Pavilion, and BMW Brand Experience Center during Art in the City Festival this September.
A jury of 5 experts from the world of digital and contemporary art: aaajiao Xu Wenkai – New media artist ; Alessio Ascari – Kaleidoscope Founder & Editor-in-Chief; Roberto Gianstefani – Flatmind Co-Founder; Miltos Manetas – Painter, conceptual artist and theorist; and Yang Zhenzhong – Artist. Chair of the Jury: Davide Quadrio - Curator, Arthub Founder.
BLAST! opens for the digital generation a window to express themselves and let everybody hear their voices! Join us to enter this adventure!
Criteria for Submission:
1) Video submissions may be no longer than 30 seconds;
2) Submissions must be in 16:9 HD format;
3) One entry per applicant allowed;
4) Applicants must reside in China and Asia;
5) Applicants must meet the age of consent (18) or older;
6) Applicants must complete and sign the statement (please visit
7) Please send the video or the link to download the video and the signed statement;
8) Deadline for submitting works: August 15, 2015 at 12pm CST
We will acknowledge the receipt of all applications. Shortlisted artists will be notified by 21 August 2015. Regretfully we are unable to give individual feedback for unsuccessful applicants due to the high volume of submissions received. The organizer ensures that non-selected works will remain confidential and will not be released to any third party for any purpose.
