英语日记2 - 草稿

英语日记2 - 草稿

作者: 李伊然 | 来源:发表于2018-05-01 20:00 被阅读0次

In the morning, we drove to Sinaya.  The snow in April Romania  fills us with the regrets of winter in Beijing. The low temperatures stop the growth of the tall trees and only the low grass live with the snow. We found a "new friend" in the blue sky, white snow and cloud, the brown earth and the house. We still doesn't know its name, but it obviously is the most moving surprise for us.

The beautiful scenery is always on the muddy road. The snow on the high mountains fills the ground's gap. The snow melts and freezes. It is the road here.Fall down is the norm here, but we take every step, because the beauty is ahead.


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      本文标题:英语日记2 - 草稿
