微服务 vs monolithic

微服务 vs monolithic

作者: 邪恶的奥伯伦 | 来源:发表于2019-07-26 18:13 被阅读0次

monolithic application advantage:

  • Well Known, it's easy to conceptualize 'cause this is how typically applications have been built so far.
  • IDE-friendly, modern IDE are designed and focusing develop, deploy, debug, profile, making them easy.
  • Stepping through the code base is easy because the code base is all together.
  • easy to test, 'cause no additional dependencies to wait for in order for the testing to begin.
  • easy deployment, just copy a single archive to another location.

Disadvantages of Monolithic Applications:

  • Limited Agility: Every tiny change to the application means full redeployment, very tight coupling between different features of the applications. This reduces agility of the team and the frequency by which new features can be delivered.
  • Obstacle for continuous delivery: deployment time can be frustratingly long and slow.
  • Stuck with Technology Stack: Choice of technology for such applications are evaluated and decided before the application development starts, it's typically not possible to change technology stack mid stream without throwing away or rewriting significant part of existing application.
  • Technical Debt: "Not broken, don't fix it", a poor system design or badly written code is that much difficult to modify because other pieces of the application might be using it in unexpected ways. Typically such an application is built over several years with the team that is maintaining the code base completely different from one that created the application. This increases technical debt of the application and makes it that much harder to r'efactor the application later on.

patterns for microservices sync vs async

the act of balancing two things that are opposed to each other

of off

At the same time


Martin Fowler 对微服务的定义

IoT Internet of Things 物联网

Edge Computing边缘计算

Cloud to the Edge也被称为Fog,它是Gartner预测在2018年的顶尖技术趋势之一,云服务导向模型与边缘计算相结合,用于跨越云和边缘之间的连续统一体的分布式处理。

at scale, scale in , scale out

granularity, fine-grained, coarse-grained



      本文标题:微服务 vs monolithic
