

作者: robot_test_boy | 来源:发表于2020-08-28 01:09 被阅读0次


Mount namespaces provide isolation of the list of mount points seen by the processes  in each namespace instance. Thus,  the  processes in each of the mount namespace instances will see distinct single-directory  hierarchies.


某进程Mount命名空间的挂载点信息可以在 /proc/[pid]/mounts、/proc/[pid]/mountinfo和/proc/[pid]/mountstats三个文件中找到。

A new mount namespace is created using  either clone(2) or unshare(2) with the  CLONE_NEWNS flag.  When a new mount  namespace is created, its mount point list is initialized as  follows:
  *  If the namespace is created  using  clone(2), the mount point list  of the  child's namespace is a copy  of the mount  point list in the  parent's namespace.
    *  If the namespace is created  using  unshare(2), the mount point  list of the new  namespace is a copy of the mount point list in the caller's previous mount namespace.




Subsequent modifications to the  mount point list (mount and  umount) in either mount  namespace will not (by default) affect the mount point list seen in the other  namespace (but see the following  discussion of shared subtrees).

默认情况下,对于Mount命名空间里的挂载点列表的后续修改,将不会影响到另外命名空间里看到的挂载点列表(除了下面提到的shared subtrees情况)。

Each mount namespace has an  owner user namespace.  As  explained above, when a  new mount namespace is  created, its  mount point list is initialized as a  copy of the mount point list of  another mount namespace. If the  new namespace and the namespace  from which the mount point list was  copied are owned by different user namespaces, then the new mount  namespace is considered less privileged.


A file or directory that is a mount  point in one namespace that is not a mount point in another namespace, may be renamed, unlinked, or  removed (rmdir(2)) in the mount  namespace in which it is not a mount point (subject to the usual  permission checks). Consequently,  the mount point is removed in the  mount namespace where it was a  mount point.


Previously (before Linux 3.18),  attempting to unlink, rename, or
remove a file or directory that was a mount point in another mount  namespace would result in the error EBUSY.  That behavior had technical problems of enforcement (for NFS)  and permitted denial-of-service  attacks against more privileged  users.  (i.e., preventing individual  files from being updated by bind  mounting on top of them).

在Linux3.18之前的版本,尝试将其它mount命名空间的挂载点进行取消连接,重命名和删除一个文件或文件夹将会报错EBUSY。这一技术问题对于NFS等有强制执行方面的问题和允许高权限用户的权限受到攻击(通过在顶层去bind mounting来阻止单个文件更新)。

SHARED SUBTREES:After the implementation of mount  namespaces was completed,
experience showed that the  isolation that they provided was, in  some cases, too great.  For example, in order to make a newly loaded
optical disk available in all mount  namespaces, a mount operation was
required in each namespace.  For  this use case, and others, the shared  subtree feature was introduced in  Linux 2.6.15.  This feature allows for automatic, controlled propagation of mount and unmount events between  namespaces (or, more precisely,  between the members of a peer  group that are propagating events to one another).

Mount命名空间实现了挂载点的隔离,但经验告诉我们对于某些应用场景,并不合适。比如在所有命名空间(系统)新添加了一个磁盘设备,在每一个mount命名空间都要挂载操作一遍,显然这太不方便了。于是在Linux内核2.6.15引入了shared subtree的概念来解决这个问题。Shared subtree的核心是允许在命名空间之间自动地可控地mount和umount操作。

Each mount point is marked (via  mount(2)) as having one of the  following propagation types:

1) MS_SHARED:This mount point shares  events with members of a peer group. Mount and unmount events immediately  under this mount point will propagate to  the other mount points that are members of the peer group.  Propagation here means  that the same mount or unmount will  automatically occur under all of the other  mount  points in the peer group. Conversely , mount and unmount events that take  place under peer mount points will  propagate  to this mount point.


2) MS_PRIVATE:This mount point is private; it does not have a peer group.Mount and  unmount events do not propagate into or  out of this mount point.


3) MS_SLAVE:Mount and unmount events  propagate into this mount point from a (master) shared peer group.  Mount and  unmount events under this mount point do  not propagate to any peer.


Note that a mount point can be the slave of another peer group while at the  same time sharing mount and unmount  events with a peer group of which it is a  member.  (More precisely, one peer  group  can be the slave of another peer group.)

4) MS_UNBINDABLE: This is like a private mount, and in addition this mount can't be bind mounted. Attempts to bind mount this mout with the MS_BIND flag) will fail When a recursive bind mount with  the MS_BIND and _MS_REC flags) is performed on a directory subtree, any bind mounts within the subtree are automatically pruned (i.e., not replicated) when replicating that subtree to produce the target subtree.

MS_UNBINDABLE相当于私有的挂载,这个挂载是不被bind mount的,如果尝试bind将会失败。

For a discussion of the propagation type assigned to a new mount, see NOTES.

The propagation type is a per-mount-point setting; some mount points may be marked as shared (with each shared mount point being a member of a distinct peer group), while others are private (or slaved or unbindable).


Note that a mount's propagation type determines whether mounts and unmounts of mount points immediately under the mount point are propagated.  Thus, the propagation type does not affect propagation of events for grandchildren and further removed descendant mount points.  What happens if the mount point itself is unmounted is determined by the propagation type that is in effect for the parent of the mount point.


Members are added to a peer group when a mount point is marked as shared and either:

*  the mount point is replicated during the creation of a new mount namespace; or

*  a new bind mount is created from the mount point. In both of these cases, the new mount point joins the peer group of which the existing mount point is a member.

      In both of these cases, the new mount point joins the peer group of  which the  existing mount point is a member.


      A new peer group is also created when a child mount point is created under an existing mount point that is  marked as shared.  In this case, the new child mount point is also marked as shared and the resulting peer group consists  of all the mount points that are replicated  under the peers of parent mount.


      A mount ceases to be a member of a peer group when either the mount is  explicitly unmounted, or when the mount is implicitly unmounted because a mount  namespace is removed (because it has no more member processes).


      The propagation type of the mount points in a mount namespace can be discovered via the "optional fields" exposed in /proc/[pid]/mountinfo.  (See proc(5)  for details of this file.)  The following tags  can appear in the optional fields for a  record in that file:


      shared:X This mount point is shared  in peer group X.  Each peer group has a  unique ID that is automatically generated by the kernel, and all mount points in the  same peer group will show the same ID.  (These IDs are assigned starting from the value 1, and may be recycled when a peer  group ceases to have any members.)

      master:X This mount is a slave to  shared peer  group X.

      propagate_from:X (since Linux 2.6.26) This mount is a slave and receives propagation from shared  peer group X.  This tag  will always appear in conjunction with a  master:X tag.  Here, X is the closest  dominant peer group  under the process's  root directory.  If X is the immediate master of the mount, or if there is no  dominant peer group under the same root,  then only the master:X field is present and  not the propagate_from:X field.  For further details, see below.

    unbindable This is an unbindable mount.

      If none of the above tags is present, then this is a private mount.







