

作者: ChangeALittle | 来源:发表于2017-09-19 09:30 被阅读0次


本文主要介绍基于Android 7.0 的IpReachabilityMonitor机制


* Monitors on-link IP reachability and notifies callers whenever any on-link addresses of interest appear to have become unresponsive.


This code does not concern itself with "why" a neighbour might have become unreachable. Instead, it primarily reacts to the kernel's notion of IP reachability for each of the neighbours we know to be critically important to normal network connectivity. As such, it is often "just the messenger":the neighbours about which it warns are already deemed by the kernel to have become unreachable.



How it works:

1. The "on-link neighbours of interest" found in a given LinkProperties instance are added to a "watch list" via #updateLinkProperties().This usually means all default gateways and any on-link DNS servers.

//1、在给定的LinkProperties实例中找到关注的链路neighbours网络,这些neighbours网络被通过updateLinkProperties()方法添加到一个"watch list"中。这通常意味着所有默认网关和链路DNS服务器。

2. We listen continuously for netlink neighbour messages (RTM_NEWNEIGH,RTM_DELNEIGH), watching only for neighbours in the watch list.

//2、我们连续不断地监听netlink消息(RTM_NEWNEIGH,RTM_DELNEIGH),仅仅关注在watch list中的neighbours网络。

- A neighbour going into NUD_REACHABLE, NUD_STALE, NUD_DELAY, and even NUD_PROBE is perfectly normal; we merely record the new state.

//一个neighbour网络进入NUD_REACHABLE, NUD_STALE, NUD_DELAY和NUD_PROBE状态,均是完全正常现象,我们只是记录最新的状态。

- A neighbour's entry may be deleted (RTM_DELNEIGH), for example due to garbage collection.  This is not necessarily of immediate concern; we record the neighbour as moving to NUD_NONE.


- A neighbour transitioning to NUD_FAILED (for any reason) is  critically important and is handled as described below in #4.


3. All on-link neighbours in the watch list can be forcibly "probed" by calling #probeAll(). This should be called whenever it is important to verify that critical neighbours on the link are still reachable, e.g. when roaming between BSSIDs.

//3、可以通过调用probeAll()方法来强制执行probed所有在watch list 中的链路neighbours网络。不管什么时候,对于想验证链路上关键neighbour网络依然可达,这个方法是重要的,应该被调用,比如当在不同的BSSID之间Roaming的时候。

- The kernel will send unicast ARP requests for IPv4 neighbours and unicast NS packets for IPv6 neighbours.  The expected replies will likely be unicast.

//内核kernel将为IPv4 neighbour 网络发送单播ARP请求和为IPv6 neighbour网络发送单播NS数据包。预期的答复可能是单播。

- The forced probing is done holding a wakelock. The kernel may,however, initiate probing of a neighbor on its own, i.e. whenever a neighbour has expired from NUD_DELAY.

//强制probing 必须持有一个wakelock才可以执行。然而,内核kernel也许引发自己的一个neighbor

- The kernel sends:

&1(/proc/sys/net/ipv{4,6}/neigh//ucast_solicit) number of probes (usually 3) every        &2(/proc/sys/net/ipv{4,6}/neigh//retrans_time_ms)number of milliseconds (usually 1000ms).

This normally results in 3 unicast packets, 1 per second.

//内核Kernel每&2秒发送&1次Probe 单播请求。通常结果是每1秒发送3次单播请求。

- If no response is received to any of the probe packets, the kernel marks the neighbour as being in state NUD_FAILED, and the listening process in #2 will learn of it.

//如果对于所有的Probe 请求,都没有接受到响应,内核kernel会将neighbour网络标记为NUD_FAILED状态,在#2中描述的监听进程将会学习它。

4. We call the supplied Callback#notifyLost() function if the loss of a neighbour in NUD_FAILED would cause IPv4 or IPv6 configuration to become incomplete (a loss of provisioning).

//4、如果处于NUD_FAILED状态的neighbour网络的丢失将会导致Ipv4 或者Ipv6配置变得不完整(配置丢失),我们将会调用提供的Callback#notifyLost()函数。

- For example, losing all our IPv4 on-link DNS servers (or losing our only IPv6 default gateway) constitutes a loss of IPv4 (IPv6) provisioning; Callback#notifyLost() would be called.



- Since it can be non-trivial to reacquire certain IP provisioning state it may be best for the link to disconnect completely and reconnect afresh.



1、在给定的LinkProperties实例中找到关注的链路neighbours网络,这些neighbours网络被通过updateLinkProperties()方法添加到一个"watch list"中。这通常意味着所有默认网关和链路DNS服务器。

public void updateLinkProperties(LinkProperties lp)

      mLinkProperties = new LinkProperties(lp);           

     MapnewIpWatchList = new HashMap<>();           

     final Listroutes = mLinkProperties.getRoutes();


    for (RouteInfo route : routes) {

            if (route.hasGateway()) {

                       InetAddress gw = route.getGateway();

                            if (isOnLink(routes, gw)) {

                                            newIpWatchList.put(gw, getNeighborStateLocked(gw);}} }


for (InetAddress nameserver : lp.getDnsServers()) {

           if (isOnLink(routes, nameserver)) {

                    newIpWatchList.put(nameserver, getNeighborStateLocked(nameserver));}}

mIpWatchList = newIpWatchList;


2、我们连续不断地监听netlink消息(RTM_NEWNEIGH,RTM_DELNEIGH),仅仅关注在watch list中的neighbours网络。

public IpReachabilityMonitor(Context context, String ifName, Callback callback,

AvoidBadWifiTracker tracker) throws IllegalArgumentException {



mNetlinkSocketObserver = new NetlinkSocketObserver();

mObserverThread = new Thread(mNetlinkSocketObserver);




3、可以通过调用probeAll()方法来强制执行probed所有在watch list中的链路neighbours网络。不管什么时候,对于想验证链路上关键neighbour网络依然可达,这个方法是重要的,应该被调用,比如当在不同的BSSID之间Roaming的时候。

//将IpWatchList中Key集合取出来,然后通过调用probeNeighbor(int ifIndex, InetAddress ip)验证相应的neighbour是否可达。

public void probeAll() {


Set<InetAddress>  ipProbeList = new HashSet();


for (InetAddress target : ipProbeList) {

final int returnValue = probeNeighbor(mInterfaceIndex, target);

/// M: Add UDP packet for ARP retry


if (returnValue != 0) {

// Use UDP broadcast to trigger ARP procedure.


private static int probeNeighbor(int ifIndex, InetAddress ip):

对于具体接口Index号上的给定Ip地址,使内核Kernel执行neighbour网络可达性检测(IPv4 ARP或 IPv6 ND)。

如果网络可达性检测请求成功传输到内核kernel,返回0; 其他返回一个非0的错误码。

private static int probeNeighbor(int ifIndex, InetAddress ip) {



final byte[] msg = RtNetlinkNeighborMessage.newNewNeighborMessage(

1, ip, StructNdMsg.NUD_PROBE, ifIndex, null);

//创建NetlinkSocket,成功后进行连接kernel, 然后发送消息;


try (NetlinkSocket nlSocket = new NetlinkSocket(OsConstants.NETLINK_ROUTE)) {


nlSocket.sendMessage(msg, 0, msg.length, IO_TIMEOUT);

final ByteBuffer bytes = nlSocket.recvMessage(IO_TIMEOUT);

// recvMessage() guaranteed to not return null if it did not throw.

final NetlinkMessage response = NetlinkMessage.parse(bytes);

。。。//后面依据不同的response 返回不同的值。


4、如果处于NUD_FAILED状态的neighbour网络的丢失将会导致Ipv4 或者Ipv6配置变得不完整(配置丢失),我们将会调用提供的Callback#notifyLost()函数。

private void handleNeighborLost(String msg) {

        LinkProperties whatIfLp = new LinkProperties(mLinkProperties);

        for (Map.Entryentry : mIpWatchList.entrySet()) {


                     if (entry.getValue() != StructNdMsg.NUD_FAILED) {



                  //从IpWatchList找到了value状态为NUD_FAILED的neighbor, 获取其IP地址;

                  //遍历mLinkProperties中路由Routes的网关是否有跟该IP地址一致的,如果有,则从当前的whatIfLp 中移除相应的路由Routes。

                  ip = entry.getKey();

                  for (RouteInfo route : mLinkProperties.getRoutes()) {

                  if (ip.equals(route.getGateway())) {



              //如果该IP地址不是IPv6 地址或者使能了避免badLink连接的性能,则从whatIfLp中移除Ip地址对应的DNS服务器。

                if (avoidingBadLinks() || !(ip instanceof Inet6Address)) {

                           // We should do this unconditionally, but alas we cannot: b/31827713.





          delta = LinkProperties.compareProvisioning(mLinkProperties, whatIfLp);


          if (delta == ProvisioningChange.LOST_PROVISIONING) {

                    mCallback.notifyLost(ip, logMsg);



Android - NetlinkSocketObserver



在IpReachiabilityMonitor 构造函数中会创建NetlinkSocketObserver对象,并对该对象进行封装,创建一个Thread类 对象,并调用Thread类对象的Start方法,启动线程。

mNetlinkSocketObserver = new NetlinkSocketObserver();

mObserverThread = new Thread(mNetlinkSocketObserver);



NetlinkSocketObserver 类主要和Android Netlink 进行交互。

Android netlink :frameworks/base/services/net/java/android/net/netlink/...

该类的作用主要是建立NETLINK_ROUTE Socket,绑定相应的NetlinkSocketAddress。然后无限循环接收kernelReply信息并对该消息进行解析。



该类的作用就是建立NETLINK_ROUTE Socket,绑定相应的NetlinkSocketAddress。然后无限循环接收kernelReply信息并对该消息进行解析。



  -->parseNetlinkMessageBuffer(byteBuffer, whenMs)

        -->evaluateRtNetlinkNeighborMessage((RtNetlinkNeighborMessage) nlMsg, whenMs);

private final class NetlinkSocketObserver implements Runnable


//建立NETLINK_ROUTE Socket,绑定相应的NetlinkSocketAddress。然后无限循环接收kernelReply信息并对该消息进行解析。

public void run() {

//1、建立NETLINK_ROUTE Socket,并绑定bind 相应的NetlinkSocketAddress



byteBuffer = recvKernelReply();


parseNetlinkMessageBuffer(byteBuffer, whenMs);



private void parseNetlinkMessageBuffer(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, long whenMs)



final NetlinkMessage nlMsg = NetlinkMessage.parse(byteBuffer);


nlMsg instanceof NetlinkErrorMessage

nlMsg instanceof RtNetlinkNeighborMessage 


evaluateRtNetlinkNeighborMessage((RtNetlinkNeighborMessage) nlMsg, whenMs);


//依据从RtNetlinkNeighborMessage获取的msgType和nudState,对IpWatchList中相应的InetAddress的nudState 进行更新。

private void evaluateRtNetlinkNeighborMessage

(RtNetlinkNeighborMessage neighMsg, long whenMs)



final InetAddress destination = neighMsg.getDestination();

//2、从neighMsg取msgType和nudState,并根据他们进行IpWatchList 的更新

final short msgType = neighMsg.getHeader().nlmsg_type;

final short nudState = ndMsg.ndm_state;

final short value =

(msgType == NetlinkConstants.RTM_DELNEIGH) ? StructNdMsg.NUD_NONE: nudState;

mIpWatchList.put(destination, value);


if (nudState == StructNdMsg.NUD_FAILED) {

handleNeighborLost(eventMsg);  //这个详见IpReachiabilityMonitor的实现方式的第4部分。





