

作者: 卢义娴 | 来源:发表于2018-12-14 23:33 被阅读0次

    没有人是一座孤独的岛屿。即使位于天涯海角,依然有碧海蓝天为伴,船只往来穿梭提供讯息。那些具有关联天赋的人,便是这些船只。TA 们笃信每座岛屿都是互相联系的,都是这大海的一部分。TA 们想做的便是穿梭不同的岛屿,打开你的心怀,将大家连接起来。

    本节课 Q 老师将带大家解读这类拥有关联天赋的人的特点,并给出与这类人合作的建议。



    Things happen for a reason. You are sure of it.

    You are sure of it because in your soul (打心底)you know that we are all connected. Yes, we are individuals, responsible for our own judgements and in possession of our own free will, but nonetheless we are part of something larger. Some may 贴标签 call it the collective unconscious(集体下意识). Others may label it spirit or life force. But whatever your word of choice,用何种语言 you gain confidence获得信心 from knowing that we are not isolated from one another or from the earth and the life on it.

    This feeling of Connectedness implies certain responsibilities. If we are all part of a larger picture, then we must not harm others because we will be harming ourselves. We must not exploit (剥削)because we will be exploiting ourselves.

    Your awareness of these responsibilities creates your value system. You are considerate周到, caring, 体贴 and accepting. 宽容的人

    - Certain of the unity of humankind, you are a bridge builder for people of different cultures.

    - Sensitive to the invisible hand, you can give others comfort 宽慰that there is a purpose beyond your humdrum平凡的 生活lives.

    The exact articles of your faith will depend on your upbringing (生长环境)and your culture, but your faith is strong. It sustains you and your close friends in the face of life's mysteries.

    How to manage a person strong in Connectedness

    - This person will likely have social issues that she will defend strongly. Listen closely to know what these issues are. Your acceptance of these issues will influence the depth of relationship you can build with her.

    - She is likely to have a spiritual orientation and perhaps a strong faith. Your knowledge and, at the very least, acceptance of her spiritual position will enable her to become increasingly comfortable around you.

    - Encourage this person to build bridges to the different groups in your organization.

    - She may be very receptive to thinking about and developing the mission for your organization. She likes to feel part of something larger than herself.

    - If you are also strong in Connectedness, share articles, writings, and experiences with her. You can reinforce each other's focus.


    Connectedness: n. 关联

    individual: n. (独立)个体

    in possession of: 拥有 (= possess > own > have)

    nonetheless: adv. 无论如何

    collective unconscious: 集体下意识

    label: vt. 贴标签

    word of choice: 选词

    gain confidence: 获得信心

    exploit: vt. 剥削

    considerate: adj. 周到的

    caring: adj. 体贴的

    accepting: adj. 宽容的;易接受的

    (be) sensitive to: 对……敏感

    invisible hand: 冥冥之中的力量

    humdrum: adj. 平凡的;乏味的 (humdrum > ordinary > normal)

    article: n. 内容;条款

    sustain: vt. (使) 持续;支持

    spiritual orientation: 宗教信仰

    strong faith: 坚定信仰


    1. 表示“凡事发生必有原因”:Things happen for a reason.

    2. 表示“打心底知道”:know in your soul ... (know it instinctively ...)

    3. 表示“拥有自由意志”:in possession of free will

    4. 表示“贴上……标签”:call it sth. / label it sth.

    5. 表示“……的意识”:awareness of ...

    6. 表示“人类大同”:the unity of humankind

    7. 表示“带给人以安慰”:give comfort to somebody

    8. 表示“成长环境”: the environment you grew up in ... / your upbringing / how you were brought up

    9. 表示“乐于接受”:receptive to (doing) sth.


    1. I know it in my soul that I belong here.

    2. Don't put such a label on me.

    3. Don't call me that.

    4. That's the unity of humankind.

    5. There is something way beyond our humdrum life.

    6. The institution is very receptive to new ideas.



