At the time of Julius Caesar's death in 44 B.C., he was the leader of the Roman Empire.
His title was "Dictator for Life" which meant he had absolute authority for as long as he lived.
He had gained this power through his successes as a military commander.
In fact, some historians consider him to be one of the greatest military commanders in history.
Some people may react to criticism by becoming defensive and focused on winning the argument, rather than on improving themselves.
Others may react to criticism by stonewalling, where they refuse to acknowledge and respond to their partner for a period of time.
Unfortunately, fighting back or ignoring your partner can make it difficult to determine the root of your problems.
If your partner feels that they aren't valued, it may lead to increased marital [婚姻的] dissatifaction.
Lack of adequate care for senior citizens is a real issue in India that cuts across [影响,设计] economic and social strata [社会阶层].
Many of us have personally lived through [经历过] and experienced it with our parents and elders.
Most senior citizens, especially those who live independently, are unable to get the care and trusted support they need.
As a result, they compromise on their needs and lifestyle.
Though the surrounding jungle had overgrown the site, what remained was impressive.
The city had been built on a remote and nearly inaccessible mountaintop, often shrouded [覆盖的] in clouds.
Forty rows of farming terraces hugged the steep mountainside?, each over 10 feet high and linked together by over 3000 stone steps.
Among the city were what appeared to be neighborhoods of homes and exquisite stone buildings that are thought to be temples.
One place that might be interesting is in South America, Machu Picchu.
It's an abandoned city way up [远远在上] in the mountains of Peru.
Yes, I've heard of it. That might be interesting. Should we look into [研究] it?
Sure. You look into it, and I'll get some information about trips to Africa.
The West was the first region to see an increase in life expectancy [期望寿命].
Scientific discoveries led to a growing awareness of germs [病菌] and disease.
New medicines and treatments were developed, and people adopted [采取] more hygienic [卫生的] lifestyles.
Public health measures were a major factor.
During the 20th century, the average lifespan in the United States increased by more than 30 years, of which 25 years can be attributed to advances in public health.
All too often people have suffered through bad dates and humiliations.
If they could just choose what they wanted, wouldn't it save time and reduce suffering?
However, by choosing partners based on our preconceived [预想的] ideas, we may be indulging [沉迷] in our illusions.
Instead of letting ourselves grow with someone, love becomes more about looking for ourselves to the other.