第四章、viewset 解读

第四章、viewset 解读

作者: zhaodianle | 来源:发表于2018-04-09 13:44 被阅读0次


    ViewSet 定义在REST framework 目录下的 viewset.py 文件里面,打开文件后,我发现 ViewSet 类,同时,还有GenericViewSet,ModelViewSet等。我忘记我在 url 注册的时候,注册的 ViewSet子类,是继承自 ViewSet,还是 GenericViewSet 了,我回去查看了一下,确认是 ViewSet 类,那么我们就需要解读 ViewSet类了。


    在上一章 Router 里面,我们确认了 route 的 get_urls 函数是调用了ViewSet 子类的 as_view 函数,并返回了 view 函数。那么我直接找 ViewSet 的 as_view 函数

    class ViewSet(ViewSetMixin, views.APIView):
        The base ViewSet class does not provide any actions by default.

    发现 ViewSet 类,啥都没有,是继承在 ViewSetMixin 与 views 文件里面的 APIView 的,我们直接查看这两个父类有没有 as_view 函数
    经过查看,我发现ViewSetMixin和APIView都有 as_view 函数,这个是一个多继承的问题,python 新式类的多继承,是采用从左到右的广度优先策略,也就是先查找 ViewSetMixin,再查找 APIView,最后我们调用的是ViewSetMixin 的 as_view 函数。

    ViewSetMixin 类

        def as_view(cls, actions=None, **initkwargs):
            Because of the way class based views create a closure around the
            instantiated view, we need to totally reimplement `.as_view`,
            and slightly modify the view function that is created and returned.
            # The suffix initkwarg is reserved for identifying the viewset type
            # eg. 'List' or 'Instance'.
            cls.suffix = None
            # actions must not be empty
            if not actions:
                raise TypeError("The `actions` argument must be provided when "
                                "calling `.as_view()` on a ViewSet. For example "
                                "`.as_view({'get': 'list'})`")
            # sanitize keyword arguments
            for key in initkwargs:
                if key in cls.http_method_names:
                    raise TypeError("You tried to pass in the %s method name as a "
                                    "keyword argument to %s(). Don't do that."
                                    % (key, cls.__name__))
                if not hasattr(cls, key):
                    raise TypeError("%s() received an invalid keyword %r" % (
                        cls.__name__, key))
            def view(request, *args, **kwargs):
                self = cls(**initkwargs)
                # We also store the mapping of request methods to actions,
                # so that we can later set the action attribute.
                # eg. `self.action = 'list'` on an incoming GET request.
                self.action_map = actions
                # Bind methods to actions
                # This is the bit that's different to a standard view
                for method, action in actions.items():
                    handler = getattr(self, action)
                    setattr(self, method, handler)
                # Patch this in as it's otherwise only present from 1.5 onwards
                if hasattr(self, 'get') and not hasattr(self, 'head'):
                    self.head = self.get
                # And continue as usual
                return self.dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
            # take name and docstring from class
            update_wrapper(view, cls, updated=())
            # and possible attributes set by decorators
            # like csrf_exempt from dispatch
            update_wrapper(view, cls.dispatch, assigned=())
            # We need to set these on the view function, so that breadcrumb
            # generation can pick out these bits of information from a
            # resolved URL.
            view.cls = cls
            view.suffix = initkwargs.get('suffix', None)
            return csrf_exempt(view)

    我们在阅读 as_view函数的时候,里面定义了一个 view 函数,并最终返回这个 view 函数。这个 view 函数其实就是 django 中匹配路由后,回调的函数, view 函数里面,调用了 dispatch()函数,这个函数,就正式进入 rest_framework 的处理流程了。
    但是 ViewSetMixin 类,并未提供dispatch 函数,但是调用 dispatch 这个对象,是 ViewSet 与 APIView 子类的对象,ViewSet 类下没有 dispatch 函数,那么理所当然,去 APIView 类中找 dispatch.
    APIView 类在文件 views.py 中,我们去下一章,去看看在APIView 里面发生了什么。


    class ModelViewSet(mixins.CreateModelMixin,


    class GenericViewSet(ViewSetMixin, generics.GenericAPIView):

    GenericViewSet,发现该函数是继承自 ViewSetMixin 类与 generics.GenericAPIView,ViewSetMixin,我们前面已经讲过这个类,那么我们继续看一下 generics.GenericAPIView都干了什么

    class GenericAPIView(views.APIView):

    除了继承自 views.APIView以外,还有一些函数,我们先不管这些函数是做什么的,大概先有一个印象即可

    def get_queryset(self):
    def get_object(self):
    def get_serializer(self, *args, **kwargs):

    GenericAPIView 看完了,我们再看ModelViewSet的其他父类。
    mixin 下的


    去下一章,查看 mixin 吧



          本文标题:第四章、viewset 解读
