C:\Users\Administrator>pip3 show httprunner
Name: httprunner
Version: 3.1.4
Summary: One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
Home-page: https://github.com/httprunner/httprunner
Author: debugtalk
Author-email: debugtalk@gmail.com
License: Apache-2.0
Location: e:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages
Requires: requests, loguru, pytest-html, pydantic, black, jmespath, pyyaml, pytest, sentry-sdk, jinja2
安装 HttpRunner 后,以下 5 个命令会写入系统环境变量配置。
指令 httprunner run 的别名,用于运行 YAML/JSON/Pytest 测试用例。
•hmake: 指令 httprunner make 的别名,将 YAML/JSON 用例转换成 pytest 用例。
指令 httprunner har2case 的别名,将 HAR 文件转换成 YAML/JSON 用例。
•locust: 利用 locust 运行性能测试。
usage: httprunner [-h] [-V] {run,startproject,har2case,make} ...
One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
positional arguments:
sub-command help
run Make HttpRunner testcases and run with pytest.
startproject Create a new project with template structure.
har2case Convert HAR(HTTP Archive) to YAML/JSON testcases for HttpRunner.
make Convert YAML/JSON testcases to pytest cases.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show version
startproject 创建项目
C:\Users\Administrator>httprunner startproject zht_test_demo
2021-06-16 20:38:31.282 | INFO | httprunner.scaffold:create_scaffold:43 - Create new project: zht_test_demo
Project Root Dir: C:\Users\Administrator\zht_test_demo
created folder: zht_test_demo
created folder: zht_test_demo\har
created folder: zht_test_demo\testcases
created folder: zht_test_demo\reports
created file: zht_test_demo\testcases\demo_testcase_request.yml
created file: zht_test_demo\testcases\demo_testcase_ref.yml
created file: zht_test_demo\debugtalk.py
created file: zht_test_demo\.env
created file: zht_test_demo\.gitignore
$ tree zht_test_demo -a
2021-06-16 20:38:31.290 | WARNING | httprunner.scaffold:show_tree:29 - tree command not exists, ignore.
Sentry is attempting to send 0 pending error messages
Waiting up to 2 seconds
Press Ctrl-Break to quit
C:\Users\Administrator>tree zht_test_demo
文件夹 PATH 列表
卷序列号为 0000016A 8819:D2F2
make 转 pytest 用例
make 是把 YAML/JSON 测试用例转成 pytest用例, 需指定 yaml 文件路径或文件夹路径
httprunner make testcases
run 执行用例
httprunner run testcases
httprunner run testcases等价于hrun testcases
httprunner make testcases等价于 hmake testcases