

作者: 歌词文案馆 | 来源:发表于2020-05-06 13:55 被阅读0次

    1. Tropic isle 热带

    2. Run off 逃跑,流掉,迅速离开

    3. Monetary 货币的,金融的

    4. Jamaica 牙买加

    5. Lounge vt.虚度光阴,闲逛 n.休息室

    6. Acid wit 酸味 acid adj.讽刺的

    7. Suffice vt.满足,合格 suffice it to say只要说...就够了

    8. Column n.专栏

    9. Obligation n.义务

    10. Culprit n.犯人

    11. Flair n.天赋,才华,鉴别力

    12. Rebuke n.责难,非难

    13. Nonetheless 尽管如此

    14. toll n.通行费,代价(不可数)

    15. Conduit (for) n.渠道

    16. Fill out 填写,充实

    17. Elite n.精英,精华 adj.出类拔萃的

    18. On condition that 基于某种条件

    19. Genetics n,遗传因素

    20. Incur v.赢得,遭受 (过去分词incurred),招致

    21. Diverse adj.不同的,多种多样的

    22. Portion n.一部分

    23. Thriller n.惊险小说

    24. Draft n.手稿

    25. Arrogance n.傲慢

    26. Depression n.抑郁

    27. Earn one’s own fortune 赢得财富

    28. Ian Fleming’s full life caught up with him through his heart.伊恩·弗莱明一生为心脏病困扰。

    29. He accepted his job at Kemsley Newspapers without compromise--this portion of the year would be set aside for Jamaica or he would took elsewhere for employment.  他接受了《肯斯里报》的工作,却不肯做出让步——每年年初这段时间要留出来去牙买加,否则他另谋职业。

    30. Nonetheless,Fleming fought the loosing battle of his weakening heart by throwing more fuel on the fire.然而,弗莱明却火上浇油的随意与越来越衰弱的心脏抗争。

    31. shiny adj.发亮的

    32. Ribbon n.绸带

    33. Braid n.把(头发)梳成辫子

    34. Wrap v.包,裹(wrap in)

    35. Lift v.心情变好

    36. Make up for 补偿

    37. Compensate v. 补偿(compensation)

    38. Laos 老挝

    39. Ease n.安逸,悠闲,轻松

    40. There is no defense against a generous spirit, and this time I cry, and very hard, as if I could make up for all the months that I didn’t cry.对于一颗慷慨的心你是无法防备的,这次我哭了,哭得很厉害,仿佛要把这几个月憋在心里的全哭出来。

    41. Scarecrow n.稻草人

    42. Stick vt.插

    43. Pipe n.烟斗

    44. Blow v.吹

    45. Puff v.吸/喷(烟等)

    46. Gasp vi.喘气

    47. Struggle vi.挣扎

    48. Babble v.叽里呱啦的说

    49. Witch n.巫婆

    50. Pesky adj.讨厌的,麻烦的 adv.极端

    51. Pumpkin n.南瓜

    52. Pipe of tobacco烟斗

    53. Sensation n.感觉

    54. Muddled adj.混乱的

    55. Queer adj.奇怪的

    56. Respectful adj.恭敬的

    57. Insult vt.侮辱

    58. Smash v.使失败

    59. Precision n.精确性

    60. Bewildering adj.让人困惑的(同muddled,confused,baffled,puzzled)

    61. Acquainted adj.熟悉的

    62. All the rest of 其余的

    63. External adj.外部的

    64. Enlivening adj.充满活力

    65. Get acquainted结识

    66. Trustee n.受托人,托管人

    67. I feel like horse all the time.我感觉自己总是像匹拉救火车的马

    68. Mayonnaise  ['meənez]n.美乃滋/蛋黄酱

    69. Pebble n.卵石

    70. Can n.罐头

    71. Disposal n.(废物等的)丢掉

    72. Profound adj.令人深思的

    73. Proceed vi.进行

    74. Unanimous adj.异口同声的

    75. Subside vi.减弱

    76. Inquire v.询问

    77. Priority n.优先考虑的事

    78. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.确定了最重要的事,其余的就是“沙子”

    79. Get medical checkups.去做健康检查

    80. Play another 18.再次感受年轻的脉搏

    81. Item n.项目(可数)

    82. Jar n.瓶子

    83. Illustrate ['ɪləstret] vt.给...加插图,说明,表明

    84. Analogy v.类比

    85. Exemplify v.例证

    86. Pun v.说双关语

    87. Personification n.拟人法,人格化

    88. Enlighten v.启发,教导(-ing adj.有启迪的,使人感悟的)

    89. Informative adj.提供信息的 adv.提供信息的

    90. In company with 与...一起

    91. Baptism n.洗礼

    92. Sauce n.调味汁

    93. Sauce-boat 船型酱油容器

    94. Wrinkled adj.起皱的

    95. Dame n.夫人

    96. Mutter v.喃喃自语

    97. Grumble v.发牢骚

    98. Unceasingly adv.不停地

    99. -limbed adj.(和形容词连用)有...肢的

    100. Withered adj.干瘪的

    101. Tottering adj.蹒跚的(totter,falter vi.蹒跚)

    102. Frail adj.虚弱的

    103. Perish v.丧身

    104. Shrill n.尖叫

    105. Quivering adj.颤抖的

    106. Wage vt.发动

    107. Verdict n.裁决

    108. Squash [skwɔʃ] vt.把...压扁

    109. Pail n.桶

    110. Scold v.责骂

    111. Jug n.水壶

    112. Such was her sweeping verdict, given with all a peasant’s distrust of the outside world.反正她是铁了心认定就是这样的,乡下人只是不信任外面的世界嘛。

    113. Old Shep, the white-nosed,stiff-limbed shepherd dog, waiting for his time to die, seemed almost more human than the withered, dried-up old women.她家里有一只叫老谢普的白色鼻子的牧羊犬,腿脚已经不好使,一副等死的样子,看起来也比那干瘪瘪的的老妇人更有生气。




