
作者: 木偶伶人 | 来源:发表于2017-09-08 11:10 被阅读8次

    He stepped into the church. It was full of people, people from everywhere of the small town. Draught prevail the region. Plants are dying. Even the pine trees in the garden are turning yellow. The stone walls stood solid and high. But the sunshine went through the room with no obstructions. It was so strong that people prayed with their eyes closed or lowered their head as if presenting that they are sinful. The church had no roof. The plank framework made up the top of the church. The church was like a skeleton without flesh. The construction work stopped 2 months ago due to lack of money.

    Suddenly a high pitch cry broke the choir song. Following the sound, he saw a mother holding her baby tightly in the arms. She was sweating hard. The baby must be extremely uncomfortable. Last time, he saw her asking the priest whether they should change the time of the service so that they don't need to stand in the sun for so long. As the architect and designer of the church, his face was burning with embarrassment. This was the last service he could attend and he thought God must have determined to torture him until the last moment of his life.

    He still couldn't believe what his doctor told him yesterday. He was bitten by an insect. It started with an itching on his arm. The doctor said: "You'd better go to Cape Town to find a more experienced doctor. " He then shook his head and added: "Otherwise you will die tomorrow when the toxic substance gets into your circulatory system."

    When he arrived at home, he threw himself onto the bed. He didn't remember how long he lied in bed until the patron rushed in, "Brian, I am so sorry to hear about that. " "But trust me, there is still hope. I signed a big deal yesterday. I got money. I'll hire a carriage and send you to Cape Town. I know a doctor who just came from England. I'm sure he will find a cure." Brian opened his mouth reluctantly, "Peter, I don't think it will work out. The roof thing really blew my mind. All the boards for the roof are 2 inches longer than they should be. All the money is gone. And then came this insect." He rolled up his sleeves and the red swelling is as big as a fist.  "It's a sin. It's my sin." Brian's voice raised as he shivered. He stood up from the bed and walked up and down the room. When he turned to Peter, Peter saw Brain's eyes filled with tears. "Peter, my dearest friend, if you really want to help me. I do have one last wish, please use the money and finish the church at whatever cost." Brian's golden hair faded into transparent under the sun and the light flickered in his eyes. "No way, only you can finish it. You have to live." "I have made up my mind." Brian smiled: "Let me die peacefully."



