Listening:【0a】【Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed】【Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree】
Game 1: The Way They Walk

M: Look, there are lots of animals.Let's walk around them around. Follow me.
M: Hello, duck.
B: Hello, duck/bear/bunny/penguins/bird/duck/house/butterfly.
M: Let’s walk like a duck together. “Walking...”(TPR)
Game 2: The Hungry Duck
假装自己小鸭子,现在饿了,要去抓鱼吃~最后变成了两个人抢鱼,看谁抢的多( ̀⌄ ́)

M:Quack,quack. I'm a mommy duck. Hi, baby duck
B: Hi, mommy duck
M: I'm hungry I want to eat.Let's look for some fish to eat.
B:Ok, go go go.
M: Oh, look. There are many fish in the pool.Let's catch some fish.
M:Yeah! I caught the fish.How many fish did you catch?

B:One, two,three...five!
M: You win, let's go again.
M: Do you want to eat more?
B: Yes.
M&B:Yummy Yummy

