
作者: 小思索 | 来源:发表于2019-03-06 16:11 被阅读0次

Read it!

Susie sees a new person in the Jungle Café.

He asks, “Excuse me. Where is the LTE TV

of'fice?” Who is he? His name is Ben. He is

time-new weatherman. Carol also hired* a new

is Linda. Alex is giving her

He can introduce* her to

Conversation A

(in the Jungle Cafe)

Ben: Excuse me. Where is the LTE TV


Alex: The LTE TV office is next door.

Ben: Thank you very much

Susie: Who is he?

Alex: He is Ben. He is a new employee.

Today is his first day.

Susie: Oh, really? What is his job?

Alex: He‘s the new weatherman.

Conversation B

(in the office)

Alex: This is your desk.

Linda: Thank you. And thanks for

the office tour*, Alex.

Alex: You're welcome, Linda.

Linda: I’m excited about my new job.

Alex: I can introduce* you to

everyone this afternoon.

Linda: Great. I can’t wait.

Alex: Do you have lunch plans?

Linda: Yes. I’m having lunch with Carol and Ben

Alex: OK. Enjoy!

Conversation C

Carol hired* a new secretary* and


When do they start work?

Today is their first day.

Where are they now?

They are having lunch with Carol.

Maybe we can meet them later.

What are their names?

Linda and Ben. Linda is the new

secretary. Ben is the new weatherman

(in the ofHce)

Alex: This is your desk.

Linda: Thank you. And thanks for

the office tour", Alex.

Alex: You're welcome, Linda.

Linda: I’m excited about my newjob.

Alex; I can introduce* you to

everyone this afternoon.

Linda: Great. I can’t wait.

Alex: Do you have lunch plans?

Linda: Yes. I’m having lunch with Carol and Ben.

Alex: OK. Enjoy!

secretary. Ben is the new weatherman.

Answer it!

1. Who is the new weatherman?

2. Are there any new people in your class

or office? What are their names?

Read it!

Ben’s first day at LTE TV was great. Where

is Ben from? His hometown is in the state* of

Texas. He’s from the city* of Dallas. Where is

Linda from? She’s from New Jersey. There are

nice beaches* in New Jersey. Ben and Linda

are both very experienced and talented. But

they may be a little nervous*! The schedule* is

very busy, but LTE TV is a great place to work.

Conversation A

(in the studio)

Susie: How was your first day, Ben?

Ben: It was great, Susie. Everyone here is

so nice.

Susie: Yes, they are. Where are you from?

Ben: I’m from Texas.

Susie: Texas is a big state*. Where is your


Ben: l\/ly hometown is Dallas. lt’s the third

largest city* in Texas.

Susie: Oh, cool! I visited Dallas once. lt’s a

great city.

Ben: Yeah, I love it!


Here is your schedule* for tomorrow,


Thanks, Linda. How do you like LTE

TV? "

lt’s an exciting place to work.

Yes. You can try a lot of different


And learn a lot of things!

I’m still learning new things. Are you

from California?

No. I’m from New Jersey.

New Jersey has some great beaches

onversation C

(in the Jungle Café)

Taylor: Linda and Ben are

really nice. I like them.

Alex: Yes. They’re both very

experienced and talented, too.

Taylor: Are they nervous* about working


Alex: When they first started they were

nervous. But now they‘re excited.

Taylor: That’s good. LTE TV is a great place

to work.

Alex: Yes, it is! Because we’re not just


Taylor: W€'re rloi?

Alex: No! We’re a family.

Answer it!

1. Where is Ben from?

2. Where are you from? Describe your

hometown. Ill

r. F walks into the office. There is a

folder on his desk. There is a note

on it. The note says, “P|ease meet

me at the park*. I need your he|p." The

note is from Mr. E. “I\/Ir. E never asks for

my he|p,” says Mr. F. “And this is not his

handwriting. What is going on?"

Mr. F looks around the room. No one

is there. But one desk is different*. The

desk has a few boxes on it. “That must be

the new detective’s desk," thinks Mr. F.

He texts Mr. E. and says, “I can meet

you at the park. See you later.” I\/Ir. F

arrives at the park. He sits on a bench*

and waits.


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