The eensy weensy spider

The eensy weensy spider

作者: 小小英语Merce | 来源:发表于2018-08-18 13:34 被阅读13次

    The eensy weensyspider went up the water spout

    Down came the rainand washed the spider out

    Out came the sunand dried up all the rain

    Then the eensyweensy spider went up the spout again

    Okay…put yourfingers together

    Let's do The EensyWeensy Spider

    The eensy weensyspider went up the water spout

    Down came the rainand washed the spider out

    Out came the sunand dried up all the rain

    Then the eensyweensy spider went up the spout again

    A little fasternow

    The eensy weensyspider went up the water spout

    Down came the rainand washed the spider out

    Out came the sunand dried up all the rain

    Then the eensyweensy spider went up the spout again

    Now let's try itslow, with a low voice

    The big, bigspider

    The big, bigspider went up the water spout

    Down came the rainand washed the spider out

    Out came the sunand dried up all the rain

    Then the big, bigspider went up the spout again



          本文标题:The eensy weensy spider
