

作者: Rollin_Panda | 来源:发表于2020-03-24 12:00 被阅读0次



  • get a head - be successful in your job, better than others
  • take on - 1) hire ; 2) undertake.
    I will take on this position to lower the risk.
    Someone took on the responsibility of this issue.
  • fix up - prepare
  • pencil in - schedule something which could be modify later
  • knock off - [Br. E] D, stop doing something
    knock off the work
  • lay off - get rid of work, the person didn't do sth wrong, usually have a benefit package. FIRE means this person did sth wrong.
  • fill in - give info in order to do sth.
    He filled in what the job involved./Please fill me in the info.
  • follow up - the phrase should be trailed by time.
    I will follow it up with next week.
  • take over - someone else is going to in charge of, use job position as subject. Is use person as subject, it means s/he is beaten by someone.
    My job will be take over by someone else.


  • How to write a script
  1. Know your audience [Golden Rule]
  2. Key words less than 10
  3. Record your ideas, maybe audio/writing
  4. Read your script
  5. Listen to your recording. Be the evaluator of yourself.
  6. Re-edit/write/listen
  7. Video record
  8. Find others to give you feedback, and treat them cautionly. If several people give you the same suggestion, consider it carefully.
  9. Set cut off date at least 1 week before speech
  10. Watch your video


  • 万物皆对象。所有东西都可以归类,每一个类别就是一个小模块,这样改代码、继承代码、开发的速度会更快更方便。面向过程编程,在每次封装代码的时候若要调用前面的参数需要考虑全局变量,而面向对象的编程可以直接调用前面的参数,传参更有效。

class What:
I = Ture # 它是啥#
def __ init __(self): # 它咋表现的#
print(' Something') # 表现形式 #

class Whatelse (What): # Whatelse是What的下属类,继承What的属性#
pass # 可以增加属性或者改变属性,pass就是完全继承没什么改变 #



(# 回头我一定要把所有历史的线串一串…… # )

  • 历史上的古埃及王朝和中国王朝的皇帝、朝代更迭都非常相似。
  • 《乌尔纳姆法典》是世界上最早的一部法典,而《汉谟拉比法典》则是世界上最早的比较完成的法典。# 脑子里都是爱在西元前…… #
  • 中国和埃及王朝都可以独立看,因为种族比较单一,直到后期外族入侵。而欧洲的历史不能单独国家看,因为每个国家的王族都和各个其他国家有血缘关系。


  • 世界是公平的。头马演讲,在观众的眼里评论一个演讲者的优劣只有它最终的舞台表现,无论是否有借口、是否准备好、无论之前是否努力、努力了多久、无论职位。当然,好好准备一定有所成效,反之,老江湖也会垮。这就是公平,之后,熟能生巧。


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