- get a head - be successful in your job, better than others
take on - 1) hire ; 2) undertake.
I will take on this position to lower the risk.
Someone took on the responsibility of this issue. - fix up - prepare
- pencil in - schedule something which could be modify later
knock off - [Br. E] D, stop doing something
knock off the work - lay off - get rid of work, the person didn't do sth wrong, usually have a benefit package. FIRE means this person did sth wrong.
fill in - give info in order to do sth.
He filled in what the job involved./Please fill me in the info. -
follow up - the phrase should be trailed by time.
I will follow it up with next week. -
take over - someone else is going to in charge of, use job position as subject. Is use person as subject, it means s/he is beaten by someone.
My job will be take over by someone else.
- How to write a script
- Know your audience [Golden Rule]
- Key words less than 10
- Record your ideas, maybe audio/writing
- Read your script
- Listen to your recording. Be the evaluator of yourself.
- Re-edit/write/listen
- Video record
- Find others to give you feedback, and treat them cautionly. If several people give you the same suggestion, consider it carefully.
- Set cut off date at least 1 week before speech
- Watch your video
- 万物皆对象。所有东西都可以归类,每一个类别就是一个小模块,这样改代码、继承代码、开发的速度会更快更方便。面向过程编程,在每次封装代码的时候若要调用前面的参数需要考虑全局变量,而面向对象的编程可以直接调用前面的参数,传参更有效。
class What:
I = Ture # 它是啥#
def __ init __(self): # 它咋表现的#
print(' Something') # 表现形式 #class Whatelse (What): # Whatelse是What的下属类,继承What的属性#
pass # 可以增加属性或者改变属性,pass就是完全继承没什么改变 #
(# 回头我一定要把所有历史的线串一串…… # )
- 历史上的古埃及王朝和中国王朝的皇帝、朝代更迭都非常相似。
- 《乌尔纳姆法典》是世界上最早的一部法典,而《汉谟拉比法典》则是世界上最早的比较完成的法典。# 脑子里都是爱在西元前…… #
- 中国和埃及王朝都可以独立看,因为种族比较单一,直到后期外族入侵。而欧洲的历史不能单独国家看,因为每个国家的王族都和各个其他国家有血缘关系。
- 世界是公平的。头马演讲,在观众的眼里评论一个演讲者的优劣只有它最终的舞台表现,无论是否有借口、是否准备好、无论之前是否努力、努力了多久、无论职位。当然,好好准备一定有所成效,反之,老江湖也会垮。这就是公平,之后,熟能生巧。