晨读1-5 《Speak English Like An Ame

晨读1-5 《Speak English Like An Ame

作者: Stella517 | 来源:发表于2019-10-14 10:33 被阅读0次

    Lesson 1: Bob's Day At Work

    1. I hate to break the news, but our sales were down again last month.
    • hate, (我本来不想做什么事情,我是没办法了)不得不做某事
    • but our, 中间连读的同时,our弱读。
    1. everybody's shopping at our competition
    • competition≈competitor
      注意 词性的灵活性
      E.g. Seat
      She seated me at the table.
    1. But everything in there costs an arm and a leg!
      They do charge top dollar.
    • 花费很多钱:
      cost an arm and a leg
      charge top dollar
      pay top dollar
    1. They really give me the creeps!
    • give me the creeps≈chills≈goosebumps, 不寒而栗,鸡皮疙瘩
    1. I thought my new advertising campaign would save the day!
    • day 指代一件事情,like "save my ass"
    1. Well then I'll go back to the drawing board.
    • drawing board 代指“计划”
    1. Can't we even talk this over?
    • talk this over 把话说开了=take it out
    1. Good-bye to you and good-bye to this dead-end job.
    • 说到摆脱某事(某种习惯和境遇)good-bye to something. (procrastination)
    • dead-end job, 日复一日单调乏味,没有晋升空间的工作。
      flip burgers, 在麦当劳的工作单调乏味没有前途。
      相反好的工作:decent, solid, promising job
    1. Please leave before I lose my temper!
    • lose one's temper=lose one's cool

    Lesson 2: Bob Returns Home with Bad News

    1. What's the matter, dear?
    • ≈What's eating you?
    1. But Bob, you were Peter's right-hand man!
    • right-hand man, 得力助手
      ≈side kick, 副手(助手 sort of indespensable)
    1. Keep your chin up!
    • 注意鼓励别人时的语气
    1. you won't have to set eyes on Peter again
    • set eyes on, 不用在看见皮特了
    1. In the meantime, we'll have to live from hand to mouth.
    • ≈tighten one's belt, 省着过日子。

    Lesson 3: Ted's Day at School

    1. Bad. I had a chemistry test, and I blew it!
    • 先回答问题,今天过得不好,针对bad给出解释。
    • blow-blew(过去式也可以是blowed)≈screw it
    1. Maybe if you didn't cut class so often, you'd do better.
    • cut class≈cut school翘课
    1. Stop slacking off and start hitting the books!
    • slack off 偷懒
      slacker 懒人
    • hit the books 温习看书
    1. That class is way over my head.
    • way 表程度
    • over my head 太难了,与over类似的还有above,behind
      ≈the question beats me.
    1. We know you have your heart set on going to New York University.
    • set one's heart on 一心一意做某事
      联系之前的set eyes on
    • 做成功某事
      nailed it
      crushed it

    Lesson 4: Nicole's Day at School

    1. Hillary Clinton
    • Clinton 中的n要注意
    1. Afterwards, my teacher paid me a compliment.
    • 表扬
      pay one's a compliment
      give sb. the thumbs-up
      give sb. a pat on the back
      get patted on the back
    1. She said my presentation was head and shoulders above the others.
    • head and shoulders above≈
      way better than
      streets ahead(强好几条街)
    1. Way to go!
    • 棒棒的~!
    1. You're so gung ho about school. It drives me crazy.
    • Gung ho音同“共和”,表明众志成城做某事
      ≈super enthusiastic
    1. It drives me crazy.
    • it drives me crazy ≈
      it drives me nuts(banana)
    1. Ted, don't butt in!
    • butt in 插嘴 ≈ jump in
      chime in 紧接着说到
    1. Right. You hit the nail on the head.
    • hit the nail on the head 一阵见血
      这一整句可以用right on/spot on来表达

    Lesson 5: Ted Goes out for the Evening

    1. Maybe go to the movies or to a party. Our plans are still up in the air.
    • go to the movies 去看电影
    • still up in the air 具体还不确定
    1. Don't take this the wrong way.
    • 别多想,我没有别的意思
      Don't get me wrong
    1. Take it easy.
    • 放轻松≈ easy
    1. I guess there's no accounting for taste.



          本文标题:晨读1-5 《Speak English Like An Ame
