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这里展示了包括 Char、String、Int、Float等用户获取输入,来看一下代码
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2009 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
# provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
# this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
# Topic: FBMessageBoxGetUserValue, FBMessageBox, FBPopupInputType
from pyfbsdk import FBMessageBoxGetUserValue, FBMessageBox, FBPopupInputType
# First, let's have a utility function to test the different input types.
def TestMessageBox(pVal, pType):
# The result from the call will be a tuple containing the index of the
# button pressed (or -1 in case of error). The second element will be
# the value entered.
lRes = FBMessageBoxGetUserValue("Value type: '%s'" % pType, "Value: ", pVal, pType, "Ok")
# Did the user press 'Ok'?
if lRes[0]:
# Show the value entered.
FBMessageBox("Result", "Value entered: '%s'" % lRes[1], "Ok")
# Or tell that there was an error...
FBMessageBox("Result", "Got an error", "Ok")
del (lRes)
# The message box does not handle booleans well... let's skip those for now.
# TestMessageBox( True, FBPopupInputType.kFBPopupBool )
# TestMessageBox( False, FBPopupInputType.kFBPopupBool )
# Lets try to get a single character, no default value.
TestMessageBox(None, FBPopupInputType.kFBPopupChar)
# Now with 'X' as a default value.
TestMessageBox('X', FBPopupInputType.kFBPopupChar)
# Now with a string.
TestMessageBox("Default string value", FBPopupInputType.kFBPopupString)
# Now as if we were asking for a password. No default value for the password.
TestMessageBox(None, FBPopupInputType.kFBPopupPassword)
# An integer...
TestMessageBox(33, FBPopupInputType.kFBPopupInt)
# A float...
TestMessageBox(3.14e3, FBPopupInputType.kFBPopupFloat)
# A double...
TestMessageBox(3.1416, FBPopupInputType.kFBPopupFloat)
# Cleanup.
del (TestMessageBox, FBMessageBoxGetUserValue, FBMessageBox, FBPopupInputType)
一行一行,敲一敲!decomposition and refactor!