Still smiling

Still smiling

作者: 咕咚谷 | 来源:发表于2018-09-07 22:10 被阅读0次

In these days. I saw an interesting real tv show. It called wife’s romantic traveling. It invited four couples all of them are popular stars. four wives travel by themselves. And the husbands talking in front of the video which records all the wives’ journals.

They are public person. So as a normal fans. I really want to enjoy their sharing happiness. Causes i can lives a sweet marriage life. Life like a mirror, if you smile to it, it smile back to you.

Sometimes, life is bitter. But you need to smile to it.

Nearly thirty years ago, my pregnant mother was so excited, my elder sister is elder than me 6 years. They want a new baby can make life more interesting. But when I was born, its totally over all the respects. A girl. And even so ugly. Until now, my mother always describe that ugly baby want to send to others. Oh my god, my sister and I totally has different genes. She is wuyanzu and i am Huambo. Until I studied in high school. The neighbors always said, are you sure, she is your sister? All the information demonstrate I was urgly. It's emmbranced, it's oakward, but I have to Smile to others. You know it's fake smile.

Sometime, life is sweet, we like to smile to it.

Gradually, I became an adolescent. You know, that sunshine boy never show me his favorable impression. I dream of a gplimps, oh no. Never. i guess maybe my whole life is alone fever. And i wonder if i was a really boy. Ok, since mr right isn't here, then So I close my window of love. Keep busy. And enjoy the happy life. I became a real man. Do a lot of thing by myself. And I became so confident. I can do something great. And I still smiling cause i forget my face. When I graduated, the interviewer finally told me, they like my confidence, like my smile. It's so sweet. Still smiling is  a happy thing.

Still smiling. I made some great friends. Still smiling. I became brave in front of fear. Still smiling. Life is a mirror, if you smile to it, it will turn back to you.


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