on the stump
[on the stump]
[解释] take [go on] the stump作竞选演说旅行
[解释] A place or an occasion used for political or campaign oratory:
candidates out on the stump.
竞选者走上讲台 -
he made a vigorous statement on privacy rights that attacked the government, every politician’s favourite punchbag these days.
[解释] a person who is hit, criticized strongly, or blamed, even though they have done nothing wrong 抨击的对象 -
The government has dismissed Mr Cook’s letter as a stunt to bolster Apple’s sales
[解释] Something of an unusual nature done for publicity.花招,噱头:为作宣传而做的不同寻常的东西
[解释]To support or prop up with or as if with a long, narrow pillow or cushion. 支撑:如用长枕靠垫支撑或支承 -
But this charge underestimates the man’s ambition. His campaign is aimed at shaping public policy, not just to favour his firm’s immediate interests but to nurture its global base of technophile supporters.
[解释] One who has a love of or enthusiasm for technology, especially computers and high technology:热爱科技的人,科技爱好者:热爱科技或对科技狂热的人,尤其对计算机及高科技 -
such as the on-demand economy—in which regulation is dated or inchoate.
[解释] -
Another is that, with their huge constituencies, some have started to look less like businesses and more like countries.
[解释] 1. The body of voters represented by an elected legislator or official. 选区的全体选民:由一名被选出的立法或官员作代表的全体选民; 2. The district so represented. 选区:这样被代表的地区 -
Like the American president, tech bosses are pursued by a press corps which dissects their every move
[解释] 引申义 To examine, analyze, or criticize in minute detail:详细分析,仔细剖析:仔细检查、分析或详细评论 -
They scheme like politicians, feeding titbits to friendly journalists and snubbing ones who write unhelpful truths.
[解释] a small but interesting piece of information, news etc
又作: titbit British English
[解释] To ignore or behave coldly toward; slight.冷落:怠慢或冷淡地对待;慢待 -
the digital equivalent of reading off of a teleprompter and taking no questions.
[read off]
[解释] to read aloud from a list (从仪器等的针面、标度盘) 出声读出 -
The statesmanship strategy—taking lofty stances that enhance their standing among their constituents and trying tohouse -train the press—carries risks.
[解释] house-trained - (of pets) trained to urinate and defecate outside or in a special place; "housebroken pets"; house-trained' is chiefly British
His views have put him at odds with American law enforcers, who need his company’s help to unlock an iPhone used by a terrorist.
[分析] at odds with与某人意见向左,要表达两个相反观点的情况下,可以用这个短语
[翻译] 他与美国法律执行者意见相左,他们需要苹果公司协助解锁一只恐怖分子使用过的iPhone手机。 -
Ford and Carnegie were CEO-statesmen by choice.
[分析] by choice的用法注意,介词词组,翻译成中文变成动词: 如果要選,就…; 特別,出於自擇
[翻译] 福特与卡内基都曾自愿成为
[解释] CEO政客,即结合商业与政治于一身的角色,不再是单纯的企业家或者政治家。近两年兴起的新的身份
相关内容可以观看TEDX视频 CEOs as Urban Statesma: http://www.urbanstatesman.com/about.html