The tenth homework-Kepler's Law

The tenth homework-Kepler's Law

作者: 曾经我也码过代码 | 来源:发表于2016-11-26 20:36 被阅读0次

    1. Abstract

    We born in here, we live in here, here is our solar system. If we don't care about it, who will care about it? If we don't care about it, then both us and our descendants will die alone on this dead planet.

    Now, we will consider several problems that arise in the study of planetary motion. After that, maybe you will feel better.

    Question 4.8

    Verify Kepler's third law for elliptical orbits. Run the planetary motion program with initial conditions chosen to give orbits that are noncircular. Calculate T2 / a3 and compare with the values given in Table 4.2.

    Question 4.11

    Investigate how the precession of the perihelion of a planet's orbit due to general relativity varies as a function of the eccentricity of the orbit. Study the precession of different elliptical orbits with different eccentricities, but with the same value of the perihelion. Let the perihelion have the same value as for Mercury, so that you can compare it with the results shown in this section.

    2. Background and Introduction

    According to Newton's law of gravitation the magnitude of this force is given by

    From Newton's second law of motion, we have

    At coordinates (x,y), we have

    We now follow our usual approach and write each of the second-order differential equations in (2) as two first-order differential equations

    In our solar system, It must have

    We next convert the equations of motion (4) into difference equations in preparation for constructing a computational solution. We have

    For our solar system case, the solution can be expressed as

    where a is given by

    For the perihelion and the aphelion

    The force law predicted by general relativity is

    Some useful planetary date are given by sheet1
    planet mass(kg) radius(AU) eccentricity
    Mercury 2.4 \times10**23 0.39 0.306
    Venus 4.9 \times 10**24 0.72 0.007
    Earth 6.0 \times 10**24 1.00 0.017
    Mars 6.6 \times 10**23 1.52 0.093
    Jupiter 1.9 \times 10**27 5.20 0.048
    Saturn 5.7 \times 10**26 9.54 0.056
    Uranus 8.8 \times 10**25 19.19 0.046
    Neptune 1.03 \times 10**26 30.06 0.010
    Pluto ~6.0 \times 10**24 39.53 0.248

    3. Body Content and Conclusion

    (1) Earth orbirts for different initial velocity

    First, we consider a simple situation, when the earth sets out at r=1AU with initial velocity 2\pi(AU/yr), 1.5\pi(AU/yr) or 2.5\pi(AU/yr), its orbits are shown in the following figure.
    Click the Code

    Different initial velocity for earth in the solar system
    • Conclusion: when the move with velocity 2\pi (AU/yr), its orbit is a circular. However, when its velocity is larger or smaller, its trajectory will be ellipse.

    (2) The two-body problem

    Although it's hard to notice this phenomennon in our solar system, but it is really exsit. For example, if we assume that the mass of the earth is half of the sun, something will be happen.
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    The two-body problem
    • Conclusion: from the figure above, although their orbits are very regular, but it is not a simple circular or a ellipse.

    (3) The three-body problem

    It is unnecessary for us to talk about our main task before we know something about the three-body problem.
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    The three-body problem
    • Conclusion: from picture, we find that a three-body system just like a chaotics system. their trajectory are unpredictable.

    (4) Question 4.8-Verify Kepler's third law for elliptical

    IN order to solve this problem, I chose the Venus, the Earth, the Mars, the Jupiter and the Saturn as examples. According to sheet1, we can plot their orbits and verify Kepler's third law. The sheet2 is given below.

    planet k(yr2/AU3)
    Venus 0.997
    Earth 0.998
    Mars 1.005
    Jupiter 1.010
    Saturn 0.988

    Click the Code

    The solar system
    The following is my result.
    planet k(yr2/AU3) error
    Venus 0.9999 0.29%
    Earth 1.0000 0.20%
    Mars 0.9999 0.51%
    Jupiter 1.0264 1.62%
    Saturn 1.0077 1.99%
    • Conclusion: even though there exsit some errors, we can also regard k= T2/a^3 as a constant 1 (yr2/AU3). Thus, we verified Kepler's third law for elliptical orbits.

    Of course, we can also examine our results with theoretical fuction.
    Click the Code

    simulation and theory
    • Conclusion: my result matched the theoretical very well.

    (5) Question 4.11-Precession of the perihelion of Mercury

    As a matter of fact, the precession of Mercury is not noticeable. So, we choose \alpha=0.01.
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    Simulation of the precession of Mercury
    Vpython for the precession of Mercury
    • Conclusion: it is obvious that there exsits precession.

    Then, we can plot precession of the axis of Mercury's orbit as a function of time. Here, we choose \alpha=0.0008.
    Click the Code

    Now, it's time to consider how the precession of the perihelion of a planet's orbit due to general relativity varies as a function of the eccentricity of the orbit. We choose e=0.206, 0.5, 0.8.
    Click the Code

    • Conclusion: when the eccentricity of the orbit is larger, the orbit will be larger. However, it is hard to talk about their precession.

    So, we consider this question in another method.

    • Conclusion: from this figure, we will find that when e is larger, its precession will be smaller.

    A more detail figure is given below.

    • Conclusion: surprisingly, precession rate attenuates exponentially with eccentricities.

    4. Reference and Acknowledgement

    • Thanks to upperclassmen- Chen Feng (vpython figure from him) and Wang Shixing
    • Computational Physics (Second Edition), Nicholas J. Giordano, Hisao Nakanishi.



          本文标题:The tenth homework-Kepler's Law
