第132天 悔(Regret)

第132天 悔(Regret)

作者: 醒醒日谈 | 来源:发表于2021-07-26 00:00 被阅读0次


    2021/07/25 悔






    25/07/2021 Regret

    To be frank, it is too hard for me to write down or even think of any little happiness in my such dull and boring life. But if I don't record this kind of small blessing, life would be like a dry, arid desert.

    Now I sit at my computer, deep in thought as ever, regretting for all the matters that regret will not mend in the first half of my life. I suppose it has been all my fault that I did not follow anyone's advice and as a result pushed myself into hot water.

    I used to be somewhat wishy-washy, sensitive, and lukewarm; even worse, I never finished anything and was once fired from a job. I was always taking fancies to things that would never made senses to me. Furthermore, I had been going out with boys that did not in the least speak the same language with me, which was absolutely, totally, and utterly ruining my life.

    But now I try to see the bright side of life and console myself by exercising, reading, and learning. As one well-known saying goes, don't be sad and don't be angry if life deceives you. Fortunately, the failure thing is not a matter of life and death, and I am sure everything will work out fine.



          本文标题:第132天 悔(Regret)
