《三略》之上略 (2)

《三略》之上略 (2)

作者: 暴君熊 | 来源:发表于2021-02-16 10:16 被阅读0次





Now the Way Tao to govern the state is torely on Worthies and the people. If you trust the Worthy as if they were yourbelly and heart, and employ the people as if they were your four limbs, thenall your plans will be accomplished. If your measures follow on each other asnaturally as the four limbs, or the way the joints of the bones cooperate witheach other, this is the Tao of Heaven, the natural. There is no gap in suchskill.





The essence of the army and state lies ininvestigating the mind of the people and putting into effect the hundred dutiesof government.

Bring peace to those who are in danger.Give happiness to those who are afraid. Return those who rebel. Beindulgent to those who have grievances. Investigate the complaints of those whohave legal suits. Raise up the lowly. Repress the strong. Destroy the enemy.Enrich the greedy. Use those that have desires. Conceal the fearful. Attractstrategists. Investigate slanderers. Reproach the insulting. Eliminate therebellious. Stifle those who act willfully. Diminish the arrogant. Summon those whoturn their allegiance toward you. Give life to those who submit. Releasethose who surrender.





If you gain a strategic position, defendit. If you get a dangerous defile, block it. If you take difficult terrain,then establish encampments to hold it. If you secure a city, then cut it off toenfeoff the generals. If you seize territory, then divide it up as a reward forthe officers. If you obtain riches, then distribute them among your troops. Whenthe enemy moves observe him; when he approaches prepare for him. If the enemyis strong, be deferential to make him arrogant. If the enemy is well rested,then leave him. If the enemy is insulting, then wait for his ch’i to decline. If the enemy isexplosive, then soothe him. If the enemy is rebellious, then treat him withrighteousness. If the enemy is sincere, then lead him to abandon his perverseruler. Accord with the enemy’s actions to initiate measures and repress him. Rely on the strategic configuration of power to destroy him. Spread false words and cause him to make errors. Set out your net to catch them. When you gain something, do not keep it for yourself. If you occupy a territory, do not set up permanent defenses. If you seize a city, do not keep it for yourself for long. If you establish a new ruler, do not take the state altars. Thus while you perform the actions yourself, those who gain by it are the officers. How does one know where the real profit lies? They become feudal lords, you become the emperor. Have the cities prepare to defend themselves, have the officers manage their appropriate positions.


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      本文标题:《三略》之上略 (2)
