- xubuntu
- anaconda
- pycharm
- python
- https://www.cnblogs.com/jokerbj/p/7460260.html
- http://www.dabeaz.com/python/UnderstandingGIL.pdf
多线程 VS 多进程
程序: 一堆代码以文件形式存入一个文档
进程: 程序运行的一个状态
- 包含地址空间,内存,数据栈等
- 每个进程由自己完全独立的运行环境,多进程共享数据是一个问题
线程: 一个进程的独立运行片段,一个进程可以有多个线程
- 轻量化的进程
- 一个进程的多个线程之间共享数据和上下文运行环境
- 共享互斥问题
- Pyhton代码的执行是由python虚拟机进行控制
- 在主循环中只能有一个控制线程在执行
thread: 在python3中改为_thread
threading: 通行的包
案例01: 使用_thread
import time import _thread as thread def loop1(): print('Start loop1 at: ', time.ctime()) time.sleep(4) print('End loop1 at: ', time.ctime()) def loop2(): print('Start loop2 at: ', time.ctime()) time.sleep(2) print('End loop2 at: ', time.ctime()) def main(): print('Starting at: ', time.ctime()) thread.start_new_thread(loop1, ()) thread.start_new_thread(loop2, ()) print('All done at: ', time.ctime()) if __name__ == '__main__': main() while True: time.sleep(1)
- t = threading.Thread(target=xxx, args=(xxx,))注意参数应该是元组形式
- t.start(): 启动多线程
- t.join(): 等待多线程执行完成
import time import threading def loop1(in1): print('Start loop1 at: ', time.ctime()) print("我是参数 ", in1) time.sleep(4) print('End loop1 at: ', time.ctime()) def loop2(in1, in2): print('Start loop2 at: ', time.ctime()) print("我是参数 ", in1, "和参数 ", in2) time.sleep(2) print('End loop2 at: ', time.ctime()) def main(): print('Starting at: ', time.ctime()) t1 = threading.Thread(target=loop1, args=("二哈",)) t1.start() t2 = threading.Thread(target=loop2, args=("二哈", "货货")) t2.start() t1.join() # 等待多线程完成后再执行之后语句. t2.join() print('All done at: ', time.ctime()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
- 守护线程-daemon
案例03: 子线程设为守护线程daemon
import time import threading def func(): print("Start func") time.sleep(2) print("End func") print("Main thrad") t1 = threading.Thread(target=func, args=()) # 守护线程必须在子线程启动之前设置,否则无效. t1.setDaemon(True) # 这两个用法同样的效果 t1.daemon = True # 设置守护线程后,子线程的最后语句print("End func")在主线程结束后不执行 t1.start() time.sleep(1) print("Main thread end")
- 线程常用属性
- threading.currentThread: 返回当前线程变量
- threading.enumerate: 返回一个包含正在运行的线程list
- threading.activeCount: 返回正在运行的线程数
- thr.setName: 给线程设置名字
- thr.getName: 得到线程的名字
import time import threading class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, arg): super(MyThread, self).__init__() self.arg = arg # 必须重写run函数,代表的是真正执行的功能 def run(self): time.sleep(2) print("The args for this class is {}".format(self.arg+1)) for i in range(5): t = MyThread(i) t.start() t.join() print("Main thread is done!!!")
import threading from time import sleep, ctime #loop = [4, 2] class ThreadFunc: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def loop(self, nloop, nsec): ''' :param nloop: loop函数的名称 :param nsec: 系统休眠时间 :return: ''' print('Start loop', nloop, 'at', ctime()) sleep(nsec) print('Done loop', nloop, 'at', ctime()) def main(): print('Staring at', ctime()) # ThreadFunc("loop").loop 跟以下两个语句相等 # t = ThreadFunc("loop") # t.loop # 以下t1和t2的定义方式相等 t = ThreadFunc("loop") t1 = threading.Thread(target=t.loop, args=("LOOP1", 4)) # 下面这种写法更工业化一点 t2 = threading.Thread(target=ThreadFunc('loop').loop, args=("LOOP2", 2)) t1.start() t2.start() t1.join() t2.join() print("All done at:", ctime()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
- 当多个线程同时访问一个变量时,会产生共享变量的问题
- 案例06
- 解决方法: 锁,信号灯
- 锁(Lock):
案例07: 安全锁Lock
import threading sum = 0 loopSum = 1000000 # 创建一个锁的实例 lock = threading.Lock() def myAdd(): global sum, loopSum for i in range(1, loopSum): # 上锁 lock.acquire() sum += 1 # 释放锁 lock.release() def myMinu(): global sum, loopSum for i in range(1, loopSum): # 上锁 lock.acquire() sum -= 1 # 释放锁 lock.release() if __name__ == '__main__': print("Starting ...{}".format(sum)) # 开始多线程,产生共享变量冲突,每次执行最后sum值不确定 t1 = threading.Thread(target=myAdd, args=()) t2 = threading.Thread(target=myMinu, args=()) t1.start() t2.start() t1.join() t2.join() print("Done ...{}".format(sum))
锁谁: 那个资源需要多线程共享,锁那个
理解锁: 锁其实可以理解为一个令牌
- 锁(Lock):
- 线程安全问题:
- 如果一个资源/变量,它对于多线程来讲,不用加锁也不会引起任何问题.
- 线程不安全的变量类型: list,set,dict
- 线程安全的变量类型: queue
- 生产者消费问题:
案例08: 队列queue
import threading import time import queue class Producer(threading.Thread): def run(self): global queue count = 0 while True: # qsize返回queue内容长度 if queue.qsize() < 10: for i in range(10): count += 1 msg = self.name + '生成产品' + str(count) # put是往queue中放入一个值 queue.put(msg) print(msg) time.sleep(0.5) class Comsumer(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def run(self): global queue while True: # qsize返回queue内容长度 if queue.qsize() > 5: for i in range(3): # get是从queue中取出一个值 msg = self.name + '消费了' + queue.get() print(msg) time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': queue = queue.Queue() for i in range(3): queue.put('初始产品'+str(i)) for i in range(2): p = Producer() p.start() for i in range(5): c = Comsumer() c.start()
- 锁死问题: 两把锁分别被两个线程申请,注意释放时机
- 申请锁的等待时间:
- semphore
案例09: semphore
import threading import time # 参数定义最多几个线程同时使用资源 semaphore = threading.Semaphore(3) def func(): if semaphore.acquire(): print(threading.currentThread().getName() + ' get semaphore') time.sleep(2) semaphore.release() print(threading.currentThread().getName() + ' release semaphore') # 产生8个func线程,只有三个线程可以同时使用资源. for i in range(8): t1 = threading.Thread(target=func) t1.start()
- threading.Timer
- 利用多线程,在指定时间后启动一个功能
# 设定6秒后开始执行func函数 t = threading.Timer(6, func)
- 可重入锁
案例10: threading.RLock()
import threading import time class MyThread(threading.Thread): def run(self): global num time.sleep(1) if mutex.acquire(1): num += 1 msg = self.name + ' set num to ' + str(num) print(msg) mutex.acquire() mutex.release() mutex.release() num = 0 mutex = threading.RLock() def testTh(): for i in range(5): t = MyThread() t.start() if __name__ == '__main__': testTh()
- subprocess
- 完全跳过线程,使用进程
- 是派生进程的主要替代方案
- python2.4后引入
- multiprocessing
- 使用threading接口派生,使用子进程
- 允许为多核或者多cpu派生进程,接口跟threading非常相似
- python2.6
- concurrent.futures
- 新的异步执行模块
- 任务级别的操作
- python3.2后引入
- 进程间通讯(InterprocessCommunication, IPC)
- 进程间无任何共享状态
- 进程的创建
import multiprocessing import time class ClockProcess(multiprocessing.Process): def __init__(self, interval): super().__init__() self.interval = interval def run(self): while True: print("The time is %s" % time.ctime()) time.sleep(self.interval) if __name__ == '__main__': p = ClockProcess(3) p.start()
- 在os模块中可以查看进程的id
- os.getppid() 查看父进程
- os.getpid() 查看本进程
- 生产者消费者模型
import multiprocessing import time def comsumer(output_q): print("Into consumer: ", time.ctime()) while True: item = output_q.get() # 不断的从队列中取出值 if item is None: # 判断哨兵值来中断循环 print(output_q.task_done()) # 发出信号通知任务完成,返回的是哨兵值None break print("pull", item, "out of q") # 此处替换为进程要实现的功能 print("Out of consumer:", time.ctime()) def producer(sequence, input_q): print("Into procuder: ", time.ctime()) for item in sequence: # 将列表中的值一个个放入队列中 input_q.put(item) print("put", item, "into q") print("Out of procuder: ", time.ctime()) # 建立消费者进程 if __name__ == "__main__": q = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() # 实例化一个多进程队列 #q = multiprocessing.Queue() # 同上,但这个类里面没有task_done()方法 cons_p = multiprocessing.Process(target=comsumer, args=(q,)) # 建立消费者进程,参数为队列q cons_p.start() # 运行消费者进程 sequence = [1,2,3,4,5] # 这是要发送给生产者的值 producer(sequence, q) # 运行生产者,将sequence的值传到队列q中 q.put(None) # 在队列q里放入哨兵值None,如果有几个消费者进程,则要提供相应数量的哨兵值 # 让主进程等待消费者进程结束 cons_p.join()